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在创造性实践中灵活运用新知识的能力。The appropriation of new knowledge through creativity.

抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining.

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侵占罪是新刑法增设的一个罪名。Appropriation is a newly-added crime by our new criminal law.

该块土地的拨用使得建造新楼成为可能。The appropriation of the land made it possible to have a new building.

直接上了电梯,朝着第三层的婴儿专用品走去。Directly ascended lift, toward the infant appropriation article of 3 F walk.

罗谢尔,你认为他是在为侵略土地而辩护吗?Do you think,Rochelle,it's a way of defending the appropriation of the land?

拥有40余台套专用加工、测设备。Own an appropriation of more than40 sets process, the examination equipments.

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罗谢尔,你认为他是在为侵略土地而辩护吗?。Do you think, Rochelle, it's a way of defending the appropriation of the land?

禁止乱占耕地和滥用土地的行为。Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited.

1986年把参院的免费邮件预算限制在参众两院该项预算总和的半数。In1986, it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers.

侵占罪的犯罪对象不仅包括动产还应包括不动产。The crime target of an appropriation crime includes both movable property and immovable assets.

画中有的是主观投射、偶然撮合、拟作与挪用。My works are mostly related to subjective perspective, accidental convergence, imitation and appropriation.

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仪表专用疏水阀,具有合理的特小型结构和高质量的优越性。Gauge Appropriation trap, have reasonable with small scaled construction with the superior of the high quantity.

共和党还同意,放弃他们在拨款法案中最具破坏力的反环保附加条款。The Republicans also agreed to give up their most damaging anti-environmental riders to the appropriation bills.

黄氏对文人艺术的挪用是向前朝大师的精湛造诣和创造力的一次致敬。Whang's appropriation of literati paintings celebrates the sophistication and creativity of these "old masters".

禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏自然资源。Appropriation or damaging of natural resources by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited.

现代高等教育财政拨款制度由拨款主体和拨款机制构成。Modern financial appropriation institution of higher education consists of funding system and funding mechanisms.

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方法简单直观,能有效地解决土地管理部门土地划拨中的实际问题。The simple and convenient method is capable of solving the problems of land appropriation by land administration.

高档卷烟纸专用碳酸钙英国、德国等在这方面处于领先地位。Upscale cigarette paper appropriation calcium carbonate is placed in to lead the position in England, German etc.

无锡采锋是专业制造超高精密橡胶专用注塑机的厂商。WUXI CAI-FENG is profession manufacturing extremely high nicety the rubber appropriation note machine of manufacturer.