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用植块法培养角膜基质成纤维细胞。Fibroblasts were grown from corneal stroma explants.

在深层溃疡区域,行板层角膜移植。In the eyes with deep corneal ulcer, LKP was performed.

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用于夜盲症,白内障,角膜云翳。Being used in night blindness, cataract, corneal clouding.

目的研究油剂对角膜碱烧伤的治疗效果。Objective To study the effect of oil on alkali corneal burn.

手术中无晶状体后囊膜破裂,术后无角膜水肿等并发症。Corneal edema, posterior rupture and so on happened in no eyes.

角膜缝合操作是角膜移植手术成功的关键。Suturing is the key to the success of corneal transplant surgery.

采用三次样条曲线插值角膜的内外表面。Cubic splines interpolation was used to get smooth corneal surface.

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然后,用激光修整下层角膜组织的形状。Then, a laser is used to reshape the lower layer of corneal tissue.

请让一名角膜专家或经常做该手术的外科医生为你进行手术。Look for a corneal specialist or surgeon who does the surgery often.

结论医用几丁糖可抑制碱烧伤后角膜新生血管的形成。Conclusion The Chitosan can inhibits the CNV after corneal alkali burn.

方法在大鼠角膜上制作碱烧伤模型。Methods The models of severe corneal alkali burns were induced in rats.

目的评价穿透性角膜移植术治疗角膜疾病的疗效。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of PKP on corneal disease.

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并发症主要是角膜水肿及虹膜炎。The main postoperative complications included corneal edema and iritis.

主要并发症有角膜水肿和后囊膜破裂。The major complication were corneal edema and posterior capsular rupture.

“穿透性角膜成形术”是最常见的一种眼角膜移植手术。"Penetrating keratoplasty" is the most common type of corneal transplant.

角膜屈光手术是近年发展起来的治疗屈光不正的重要技术。Corneal Refractive Surgery has evolved dramatically in the past few years.

探讨角膜新生血管的有效治疗措施。To discuss the effective treatment measures of corneal neovascularization.

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角膜溃疡可引起疼痛,不适,在某些病例还可引起视物模糊。A corneal ulcer causes pain, discomfort, and, in some cases, blurry vision.

角膜溃疡是由细菌,病毒,或真菌造成的严重感染。Corneal ulcers are severe infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

过度接触紫外线C会引起角膜损伤,常常被称为电光性眼炎。Overexposure to UV-C can cause corneal burns, commonly termed welders' flash.