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没有到垄断市场的地步。Not to monopolistic market situation.

如果情况属实,这种做法将会被判作是垄断行为。If true, such a move could be judged monopolistic.

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断然否认垄断行为是一回事。It's one thing to emphatically deny monopolistic practices.

垄断竞争中自耕农定价模式。A yeoman farmer model of price setting under monopolistic competition.

宝马公司此举是对于中国反垄断调查事件的回应。This is in response to China's probes on monopolistic behaviour in the car industry.

公用企业由于其自然垄断的属性,一般都表现为垄断性的市场结构。The market structure of pulic utilities, for their nature of natural monopoly, is monopolistic.

而新中产阶级的兴起在意识形态上也具有潜在的反垄断资本主义的作用。And springing up of new middle class plays latently the role to oppose the monopolistic capitalism.

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考虑了生产单一产品的垄断制造商如何最大化收益的问题。This paper discusses how a monopolistic manufacturer producing a single product maximizes his profit.

七十年代甘尼特报系蓬勃发展起来时,对垄断这种霸道的不满威胁到甘尼特的形象。As the chain mushroomed in the 1970s, complaints of monopolistic arrogance threatened Gannett's image.

在现代社会,垄断行为犯罪化已经成为一个不可逆转的历史潮流。In modern society, criminalization of monopolistic conducts has become an irreversible historical trend.

较高的MQS可能导致一家厂商退出市场,形成独占市场结构。A comparatively high MQS may make a manufacturer quit the market, and form monopolistic market structure.

最后婆婆还主动提出带我们去“动感地带”手机专卖店,介绍我去看看特价手机。At last she even asked to bring us to the cell phone monopolistic shops, showing us the cell phones on sale.

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我的结论是,房地产市场是一个垄断市场,因为垄断导致的高油价。My conclusion is that the real estate market is a monopolistic market because of monopoly led to high prices.

一方面,毫无疑问,他们为不再是垄断行为的焦点而欢喜。On the one hand, there's no doubt they're glad that they probably won't be targeted for monopolistic behavior.

专利权是一种独占性权利,反映了专利权人在获取专利权后的重大利益要求。Patent, as a kind of monopolistic right, reflects patentee's important request in benefit after getting patent.

问题的关键是许多发展中国家仍然是垄断资本的剥削对象。The crux of the matter is that many developing nations remain the object of exploitation by monopolistic capital.

产品的什么特性让我们能区分是垄断竞争还是垄断市场?What feature of the product being sold distinguishes a monopolistically competitive firm from a monopolistic firm?

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由此将导致标准领域里的专利技术及相关专有技术的垄断高价问题。So it will lead to the monopolistic high price of patent technology and related know-how in the aspect of standard.

派拉蒙判例"卓有成效地打破了好莱坞的主要制片厂在美国市场的垄断地位。These decrees effectively broke up the monopolistic hold of the major Hollywood studios on the American marketplace.

防范金融体系内的垄断组织和垄断行为同样也需要经济调控。Economic controls may also be required to guard against monopolistic structures or practices in the financial system.