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没有任何阴谋。Therewas no conspiracy.

这分明是个阴谋!It must be a conspiracy.

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流氓无赖的密谋。The conspiracy of knaves.

他卷入了一宗阴谋。He was implicated in a conspiracy.

这就是阴谋理论家所做的。That's what conspiracy theorists do.

他们公布各种阴谋论。They promulgated conspiracy theories.

蒙德与这阴谋无关。Mond was unconcerned in the conspiracy.

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原来这一切都是艾莉的阴谋。Original all these are ailey conspiracy.

英国的这一阴谋未能得逞。This conspiracy of Britain is frustrated.

唐力还是担心这是超群的一个阴谋。Tang Li or worry that is super a conspiracy.

所以,大人们都十分热衷于密谋策划这些个童话故事。So we adults engage in a conspiracy of tales.

像这样的阴谋论在亚洲并不罕见。Such conspiracy theories are not rare in Asia.

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但仅凭这些就能说是一个阴谋帮派吗?But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy?

在这里,我们将进入阴谋论的领域。Here we enter the realm of conspiracy theories.

这一切都是顾华军安排好的阴谋。All this has been arranged Gu Huajun conspiracy.

他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

我们成功地挫败了敌人的阴谋。We successfully thwarted the enemy's conspiracy.

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他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

他被指控阴谋收买证人作伪证。He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses.

但阴谋论是自动生成的,懒惰的犬儒主义。But conspiracy theories are kneejerk, lazy cynicism.