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第一证人是制帽人。The first witness was the Hatter.

帽匠悲哀地摇摇头。The hatter shook his head mournfully.

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我还不如去看看帽匠呢!I almost wish I'd gone to see the Hatter instead!

帽匠嘀咕着,“你的表告诉你哪一年吗?”muttered the Hatter. 'Does YOUR watch tell you what year it is?'

鞋匠坐在他的工作凳上歌唱,帽匠歌唱着,站在那里工作。Thee shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands.

以为找到回家之路,怎料闯进盲目不仁的女皇城堡,最后她可否顺利回家呢?。Hatter Out of expectation, she moves into the evil Queen's castle. Will she return home successfully?

制帽人和三月兔正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。The Dormouse was still asleep, and the Hatter and the March Hare were trying to put it into the teapot.

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她回头一看,三月兔和制帽人正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。She looked back once, and the March Hare and the Hatter were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot.

可怜的制帽人看到这些,面包片都掉下来了。“我是个穷苦人,陛下。”他又说。The unhappy Hatter saw this, and dropped his bread-and- butter. "I'm a poor man, Your Majesty, "he said again.

然后三月兔和制帽人转向睡鼠。“醒醒,睡鼠!”他们冲着它的耳朵喊起来。“给我们讲个故事。”Then the March Hare and the Hatter turned to the Dormouse. 'Wake up, Dormouse! 'they shouted loudly in its ears. 'Tell us a story. '

在这部改编自刘易斯·卡洛尔经典童话故事、由蒂姆·波顿导演的影片中,主演德普和海瑟薇分别饰演疯帽子先生和白色皇后。Depp plays the Mad Hatter and Hathaway is the White Queen in director Tim Burton's movie, inspired by the classic Lewis Carroll tale.

总结认为,甲基磺酸在催化合成聚酯多元醇中,其催化性能较硫酸为优越。In the process of catalysis and synthesis of polyester polyhydric alcohol by MSA, the catalyst performance of MSA was hatter than sulphuric acid.

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制帽人还在做证,但没人听懂他在说什么。国王看着王后,王后看着执行官。The Hatter was still giving evidence, but nobody could understand a word of it. The King looked at the Queen, and the Queen looked at the executioner.

澳大利亚新秀米雅·瓦斯科斯瓦将担当女主角爱丽丝,而德普则将演绎帽子先生,他们将协同蒂姆·波顿再现刘易斯·卡罗尔的这部经典之作。Little known Australian actress Mia Wasikowska has landed the lead role of Alice, while Depp will portray the Mad Hatter in pal Burton's take on the Lewis Carroll classic.

展现在臂上的原始的卡通样式的爱丽丝在仙境描绘了故事中的主要角色和元素,如咧嘴猫、红桃皇后、帽匠和白兔、表。A original cartoon styled Alice in Wonderland sleeve featuring the major characters and elements like the Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit’s watch.

在小学四年级的他主演的疯癫在卡洛尔的爱丽丝透过玻璃看,其中,为他赢得最佳男主角奖,这是通常留作小学六年级。In the fourth grade he starred as the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll s Alice Through the Looking Glass, for which he won the Best Actor award that was usually reserved for sixth graders.

房子前的树下放着一张桌子。三月野兔和帽匠正坐在桌边喝茶,一只睡鼠坐在他们中间酣睡着,而另外两个家伙就把它当作了靠垫。There was a table under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea, a dormouse was sitting between them, fast asleep, and the other two were using it as a cushion.