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就这样这只小鸭离开了。So away went the duckling.

我的妹妹以前是个丑小鸭。My sister was an ugly duckling.

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她讨厌凤凰男。She hates an ugly duckling man.

丑小鸭垂着头。The ugly duckling drops his head.

我得把这只小鸭子藏起来。I'll have to keep this duckling a secret.

我妈妈曾经叫我丑小鸭。My mother once called me an ugly duckling.

鸭子有一个鸭崽儿,它怎么叫?The duck has a duckling. What does it say?

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她跳入水中,“呱,呱,”她说,小鸭们一只接一只地跳进河里。She said, and one duckling jumped in after another.

然后他没有碰丑小鸭一下就走了。And he went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.

农夫在小鸡小鸭区救了一只斑鸠。Nung-fu saves a dove in the chick and duckling nursery.

玛丽在家中是个丑小鸭。直到长大后才变好看。Mary was the ugly duckling in her family until she grew up.

但是有一只小鸭子和别的不同,它看起来非常丑。But a duckling is different from others. It looks very ugly.

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这只丑小鸭也跳进了水,而且水游的很好。The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.

“丑小鸭游得真好,”母鸭心想。"The ugly duckling can swim very well, " thinks the mother duck.

最后,池塘结冰了,丑小鸭被冻住了。Finally, the pond froze, and the duckling couldn't move any more.

我是这么丑,因此连狗都不会咬我!I am so ugly that even the dog won't bite me!" sighed the duckling.

她的视力不好,以为这只小鸭是一只肥鸭。Her eyesight was not good, and she thought the duckling was a fat duck.

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这个大鸭蛋终于破开了壳,是一个又大又丑鸭宝宝!At last, the big egg came open. This duckling was very big and very ugly!

这种蝴蝶可真是蝴蝶家族中丑小鸭变天鹅的一员了。The butterfly is really among the swan-ugly duckling school of butterflies.

丑小鸭开始行动比大多数有关商业的书都更有趣。The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work is more entertaining than most books on business.