Use 'chalky' in a sentence
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这块饼有白垩味。This cake has got a chalky taste.
每个珊瑚虫有灰质的骨骼。Each animal has a chalky skeleton.
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首先出现的表现就是白色斑块。The first sign of this is a chalky white spot.
砂质化或白垩化很重的土壤需要改良。Very sandy and chalky soils will need improving.
浅埋藏似能保留具白垩状结构的孔隙。Shallow burial seems to preserve chalky textured porosity.
柔和的李子果香、馥郁的花香与一丝白垩的气息交织融合。A soft plummy, quite floral nose with a note of chalky texture.
月亮就在这时候从云层中露出惨白的脸。The moon sailed out from behind the clouds and lit up the chalky face.
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它被一堵墙密封著,仿如白垩时期的泥土深达一公尺。It was sealed by a wall and contained chalky soil to the depth of one metre.
一天又一天,她漫无目标地流浪,最后来到一个白垩高地。Day after day she wanders on until at length on the high, chalky table -lands.
成熟胚的子叶是绿色,黄色或浅黄色。The cotyledons of the mature embryo are either green, yellow or chalky yellow.
这在少垩白品种中优早3号中表现得尤为显著。This effect could be clearly showed in less chalky rice variety Zhongyouzao 3.
他四肢上涂得厚厚的炉甘石液已干成粉白色。His arms and legs were thickly smeared with calamine lotion dried to a chalky white.
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覆盖白垩表的颗石藻将水面染成乳白色或者浅蓝色。The chalky scales that cover coccolithophores color the water milky white or bright blue.
他们每个人都像粉笔一样白皙,比生活在这个缺乏阳光的小镇里的任何学生都更苍白。Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of all the students living in this sunless town.
这些公路往外延伸出去便是灰白色的土路,通往伫立着高脚楼的村庄,或者横穿过稻田。Chalky dirt roads radiate out from the highways, leading to villages of stilt houses or across rice fields.
依靠着荷兰的气候和白垩沙土壤,郁金香茂盛生长,郁金香产业随之诞生。And thanks to the Dutch climate and its chalky sandy soil, the tulip flourished and thus an industry was born.
窄叶青8号垩白米与非垩白米的上述各指标间无显著差异。The difference in the above indices between chalky and non-chalky milled rice in Zhaiyeqing 8 was not remarkable.
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本文开发的大米质量检测系统可以有效地检测大米图片、视频中的碎米率、垩白度和黄米率。The system designed by this article could effectively detect the rice broken rate, chalky degree and yellow rate.
在外观品质方面,钾处理与对照差异不显著,但有降低翌白粒率、翌白度、糊化温度的趋势。Appearance quality of K treatment was similar to CK, chalky rice rate and chalkiness was decreased by K treatment.
在落日的余晖中,大地像月球表面一样干涸死寂,点缀着小山丘,四周被不友善的山崖所包围。In the evening sun, the land seemed as arid as a moonscape, dotted by chalky hillocks and ringed by unfriendly cliffs.