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周总理曾经常在这里办公。Premier Zhou used to work here.

周总理曾经常在那里办公。Premier Zhou employ to stay ITe.

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总理呼吁实行经济改革。The premier exhorted an economic reform.

总理发表时事广播演说。The premier broadcasts on current affairs.

你能安排一次与总理的会晤吗?Can you arrange a meeting with the premier?

周总理的逝世使大家都很悲痛。Thedeath of Premier Zhou made everyone sad.

周总理在中国深受好评。Premier Zhou was highly thought of in China.

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我站在周恩来的不远处。I stood not far away from Premier Chou Enlai.

温总理是个优秀的热心人。The Premier is a wonderful, warm-hearted man.

总理今晚要楬橥电视演讲。The Premier is to speak on television tonight.

切尔西会令其在英超中奏效吗Can Chelsea make it work in the Premier League?

周总理头脑异常敏锐。Premier Zhou has an extremely penetrating mind.

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温家宝至少还有一次截球成功。The premier also notches up at least one steal.

令她没想到的是,温总理真的回信了。To her surprise, Premier Wen wrote back to her.

人们痛悼周总理的逝世。People deeply mourned over Premier Zhou's death.

这就是周总理曾经工作过的房间。This is the room where Premier Zhou once worked.

这是桑德兰第350场英超联赛。Sunderland play their 350th Premier League match.

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首相打定主意不理会一手诉愿。The premier set his mind against all the appeals.

我要向王副总理的领导能力致敬。And I salute Vice Premier Wang for his leadership.

国旗降半旗为总理的死。Flags flew at half-mast upon the death of premier.