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你是来作陪的吗?Are you here to chaperone?

实地教学返回时,要与每位陪同老师握手告别。When returning from a trip, shake the hand of every chaperone.

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第一章是组蛋白分子伴侣的背景介绍。There are an introduction and overview of histone chaperone in chapter 1.

妇女日落后必须穿著束腹且必须要有男伴陪同。Women must wear a corset after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone.

可能有一个伴侣分子刚好在那,或者它可能是另外一个A分子。Could be a chaperone molecule that just happens to be there. Or it could be another molecule of A.

分子伴侣能解救构象性疾病,使晶状体重要的代谢酶‘起死回生’。Molecular chaperone may rescue the conformational diseases and revive the inactive enzymes in lens.

在我们下榻的宾馆,如果没有随从跟着,我们甚至连下楼买一份报纸看看的权利都没有。At the hotel where we are staying I can't even go downstairs to buy a newspaper without a chaperone.

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一路上,我的伙伴在我旁边小心地骑着车,总是走在我和最近的机动车道之间。The entire way, my chaperone rode carefully by my side, always between me and the nearest vehicle lane.

他同时对同性恋家长在孩子班级里做志愿者以及参加结伴旅游表现出十分不放心。He also doesn’t trust same-sex parents who may volunteer in their children’s classrooms or chaperone class trips.

当我们中的某一个说要去小便的时候,大家觉得应该马上站起来陪她去洗手间。When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obligated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom.

初步分析了叶绿体小分子量热激蛋白与植物的耐热性和耐冷性关系以及其分子伴侣功能。Moreover, the relation between heat or chilling tolerance and the proteins, and their chaperone function were discussed.

提出的“蛋白质二硫键异构酶既是酶又是分子伴侣”假说,被国际同行普遍接受。Put forward a hypothesis of "protein disulfide isomerase is both an enzyme and a chaperone", which has now been accepted widely.

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做自由译者也让我能在孩子放学的时候接着去接他们,他们郊游的时候也能休一天假去陪游。Freelancing also allows me to pick up my child immediately after school and I can take off a day to chaperone a field trip if I want.

但是当你正为工作焦头烂额,还得陪着别人去实地考察的时候,你就该问问是否可以在今年迟些时候再去学校帮忙了。But when it's your busiest time at work and you're asked to chaperone a field trip, inquire if you can help at school later in the year.

卡里尔最近刚在罗札诺的指导下,完成博士学位,他的研究重心是泛素在帕金森氏症扮演的角色。Kalia recently completed his doctoral degree working with Lozano. His research focused on the role of chaperone molecules in Parkinson's.

伴护蛋白质的部分作用是将受损蛋白质提取出来放入充满酶的酶溶体。酶溶体扮演者蛋白质回收中心的角色。The chaperone is partially responsible for drawing damaged protein into the enzyme-filled lysosome, which acts as the protein-recycling center.

分子伴侣为一类与其他蛋白不稳定构象结合并使之稳定的蛋白质,广泛分布于各种生物体内。Molecular chaperone , which exists in various organisms, is a protein that binding with the other protein's unstable conformation to make it be stable.

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日前,沙特阿拉伯一名男子因在无监护人陪同的女子约会,被判8月监禁、鞭刑150下。Saudi Arabian man was recently sentenced to 8 months in prison and 150 lashes, after he was caught meeting a woman without a chaperone in a coffee shop.

Wisniewski博士是首次描述载脂蛋白E在淀粉样沉积物中的作用的科学家之一,他将脂蛋白描述为病理性伴侣蛋白。Wisniewski, who is among the scientists who first described the role of apo E in amyloid deposition, describes the lipoprotein as a "pathological chaperone."

虽然受到其他许多父母的质疑,珍妮和丈夫——29岁的机械师史蒂夫,还将会带女儿参加全国各地的选美比赛。Despite coming under fire from fellow parents, Jenny and mechanic husband Steve, 29, will continue to chaperone their daughters to pageants across the country.