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你的啤酒肚也比较小了。Your potbelly is getting a little smaller, too.

过多的腹部脂肪的大肚子将消失。Excess abdominal fat and potbelly would be gone.

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他开始对自己的啤酒肚厌恶起来,立誓开始散步。He's tired of his potbelly and vows to start walking.

真的该做些运动了,我都开始长啤酒肚了。I really ought to start doing something. I'm starting to get potbelly.

真的该做运动了,我都开始长啤酒肚了。I really ought to start doing something. i'm starting to get a potbelly.

真的该做些运动了,我都开始长啤酒肚了。B---I really ought to start doing something. I'm starting to get a potbelly.

当个宠物,牠们必须要有宠物认证,就好比猫、狗与锅肚猪一样。To be pets, they must have pet licenses, just like cats, dogs and potbelly pigs.

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男人长肚腩和女人怀孕一样,等你意识到的时候,事情已经发生了。The potbelly of a man just likes the pregnancy of a woman, it happens before your awareness.

不过他选择了一个激烈的方式来避开皱纹、大肚腩以及群众的善变。But he chose a drastic method of staving off wrinkles, a potbelly , the whims of a fickle public.

这厮五短身材,脑满肠肥,十个胖胖的手指根部都生有深深的酒窝儿。He is short and fat with a potbelly. His hands have ten deep dimples at the root of every finger.

1993年,克里夫·伯吉斯55岁。他对自己的啤酒肚厌烦起来,立誓开始散步。Cliff Burgess – The Marathon Man1993. Cliff Burgess is 55. He's tired of his potbelly and vows to start walking.

曼迪多年以后才从琳达阿姨那里得知此事的蛛丝马迹,她添油加醋的加了一些事情进去,比如曼迪略微大些的肚皮是因为她母亲自从接受那份工以后就再也没空好好给她做饭而吃太多垃圾食品的导致的。Mandy heard the details years later from her Aunt Linda, who added odd touches, such as Mandy’s growing a tiny potbelly from too much junk food, since the assignations left her mother no time to cook.