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一碗玉米糊。One bowl of grits.

他咬牙切齿。He grits his teeth.

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格雷奇恩的客人总是得到大蒜末。Gretchen's guests always get garlic grits.

钻石磨刀器快捷、高效而且能适用于不同的粒度。Diamond stones are fast, effective and come in different grits.

男子咬紧了牙关,他觉得他可能再也找不回钱包了。He grits his teeth . He will probably never see his wallet again.

巴哈马群岛早餐---巴哈马群岛的早餐一定会有粗燕麦粉。A Bahamas breakfast – to be a Bahamian breakfast it must contain grits.

如今海南儋州的“东坡宴”上据说是有这一款“东坡玉糁羹”的。Now Hainan Danzhou "Dongpo feast" is said to have a" Dongpo jade grits.

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一个人如果咬紧牙关并显示真正的决心,就绝不会失败。If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination failure is not an option.

原本有人送给吉米·科特的女儿埃米一条名叫“格里茨”的够。Originally, Jimmy Carter's daughter, Amy, received a dog that names Grits as a gift.

锐化平面刀片需要磨石各种糁和少许油。Sharpening a plane blade requires sharpening stones of various grits and a little oil.

谷物和以谷物为基料的饲料和食品得到关注,包括麦片和粗碾的谷麦。Corn and corn -based feeds and foods are of concern, including corn meal and corn grits.

我们爱她,因为她喜欢草莓和玉米糁来说在Velveeta笼罩着奶酪。We love her because she loves strawberry Frappuccinos and grits blanketed in Velveeta cheese.

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客人们很高兴的接受了粉末,但是客人们都认为格雷奇恩的蒜末太油腻了。The guests act glad to get the grits , but the guests agree that Gretchen's garlic grits are gross.

第一阶段横溪路面多细砂石,而第二阶段汤山路面则以粗砂石为主。Leg one is characterized by fine sand and small rocks while leg two is mainly characterized by grits.

一种不设玉米提胚工序的新型玉米联产加工工艺可以生产6种粒度的玉米糁产品。With a new integrated corn milling process without germ separation, grits of six sizes can be produced.

C-Note咬紧牙关提醒Michael,Tweener就坐在旁边,每句话他都听到了。C-Note grits his teeth and alerts Michael to the fact that Tweener is sitting nearby, hearing every word.

这表明钎料合金对磨粒的高强度把持和砂轮的高耐用度。It indicates the strong retention of brazing alloy to diamond grits and the longer service life of the wheel.

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最后,我们的块由150至320磨料,造成了表面染色和整理适合磨毛。Finally, we block-sanded with grits from 150 to 320, which left the surface suitable for staining and finishing.

研究了钎焊金刚石砂轮在磨削花岗石材料过程中,金刚石磨粒的出刃高度和磨损状态的变化规律。The mean protrusion height of diamond grits and grit wear were studied in grinding granite with a brazed diamond wheel.

Michael咬咬牙,“你和他的事,你们自己解决,”说着他离开了沐浴间。Michael grits his teeth. “What’s between you and him, is between you and him, ” Michael says as he walks out of the showers.