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电子信函是书写的。Email is Written.

书上就是这么写的。It's written down here.

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你没给我写过信。You haven't written me.

它早已写在我的心头。It's written on my heart.

基蒂已经写一个目录。Kitty has written a list.

那个写信给她的读者。So he had written to her.

二位都写好了吗Both have it written down?

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你写有这样的剧本吗?Have you written a script?

社区启蒙通过任何书面考试。Pass any CCIE written exam.

这本书写得浅显易懂。The book is simply written.

抗议书像雪片似的飞来。Written protests poured in.

写入磁盘的字节数更少。Fewer bytes written to disk.

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他恰恰写出了这首作品。He's just written this poem.

戏剧用对话体写。Plays are written in dialog.

被书写在名为1526的一本书中。Written in the book of 1526.

我已经写完三封信了。I have written three letters.

这篇文章写得不通。The article is badly written.

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这个錾字碑上写了什么样的内容?What's written on this stele?

那怎么不用达斡尔文写呢?Why it's not written in Daur?

写在童话里的誓言。Written oath in a fairy tale.