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货币化引擎打开。Monetization engines to turn on.

写博客是一回事,博客盈利是另外一回事。Blogging is one thing, and blog monetization is another.

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我花了15分钟的时间写下了半页的策略。I took 15 minutes to create a half-page summary of my monetization strategy.

在这个项目投资中利润很可能已经出现了下降。The margins will have likely come down to make that investment in monetization.

即使广告营收率非常低,可以用规模来弥补。Even if ad monetization rates are very weak, you make up for low rates with scale.

我们在广告和货币化的新形式上有着新的机遇”。We have new opportunities that come from advertising and new forms of monetization.

阿里贷款的提早货币化将是股价的上行风险。Monetization of Ali-Loan earlier than expected would be an upside risk for share price.

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黑客软件的商业价值化在提升计算机的风险等级中起到了何种程度的推动作用?To what degree has the monetization of malware increased the level of risk for all of us?

商业化却为一些成年人和“小型的邪恶商业团体”的加入提供了动机。Monetization provides a motivation for adults and "evil small businesses" to play the game.

宋元时期,成为中国货泉史上白银货泉化的关头时期。Song Yuan time, becomes in the Chinese currency history the silver monetization crucial phase.

即便是在19个月后,提高浏览量也一直是我计划里的一部分。Even after 19 months, traffic building is still the most important part of my monetization plan.

不过对我们来说,明智的做法是,至少要开始探索大规模观众资源货币化进程中出现的重重挑战。But perhaps it’s sensible for us to at least begin to explore the challenges of audience monetization at scale.

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关起门来做生意,你只能依赖内部的创新和资本。Close shop to try and control monetization and you can only rely on your own internal innovation machine &capital.

而且有可能通过把重心放在交易和订阅上获得更高的营收。Monetization focus will be on higher yields through transactions and subscriptions as Dave McClure once described.

关起门来做生意,你只能依赖内部的创新和资本。Close shop to try and control monetization and you can only rely on your own internal innovation machine & capital.

“最后贷款人”的责任并不延伸到不具偿债能力的金融机构,也不包括向政府提供的央行贷款,即通常所说的公共债务货币化。Nor does it cover central bank lending to governments. That is more usually called monetization of the public debt.

20世纪中叶以来,随着经济的货币化和资产的金融化程度加深,金融已成为市场经济的核心。From 20 century, Finance has been the core of market economic with the monetization of economic and financialization of capital.

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实际上,中国货币化水平畸高的一个重要原因就是中国经济在货币化进程中出现了严重的货币浅化现象。Moreover, the monetization in China is much higher than that of other countries including all the developing and developed ones.

高原是否会变成朝下的斜坡取决于社交网站“所有者”所采取的盈利战略。Whether that plateau turns into a downward slope depends on the monetization strategy adopted by the "owners" of the social network.

本文尝试用产出法即“贡献货币化”法来计量人力资本并建立相应的操作模型。The paper attempts to measure human capital output method, namely, "contribution monetization", and set up a relevant operating model.