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一只醒着的跳蚤,咬了老鼠。A wakeful flea, who bites the mouse.

卫兵们通宵都警惕地戒备着,以防遭到袭击。The guards were wakeful all night in case of attack.

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死亡会不会让他从清醒的生活中解脱呢?Would Death himself have freed him for wakeful living?

梦中意识和清醒意识并不相同。Dream consciousness is not the same as wakeful consciousness.

在那不眠之夜,绝望淹上心头,再未离她而去。Despondency had come upon her there in the wakeful night, and had never lifted.

正念是清醒地体验生活,是生命过程中觉醒的参与者。It is the wakeful experience of life, an alert participation in the ongoing process of living.

由于一夜没有睡好,又和陌生人第一次相识太兴奋了,它觉得十分疲倦。He was tired from his wakeful night and from the excitement of meeting someone for the first time.

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我的小房间还算舒适,但是我太警醒睡不着,我不知道为什么黑夜不会降临到我头上。I was blissfully comfortable and happy in the cocoon of my roomette, but far too wakeful to sleep.

梅内吉尼指出,在“错误时间”喂食的老鼠相对于在正常清醒时间喂食的老鼠运动量有所减少。Meneghini noted that the mice fed at the "wrong time" exercised less than the mice fed during the normal wakeful hours.

研究还表明当决定是要小睡还是进行“吸引人的提神活动”的时候,人们会选择活动一下。And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an "attractive wakeful activity," they choose the activity.

关于剥夺睡眠的研究表明因为痴迷于电子产品而造成的智力衰退相当于一夜失眠。Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night.

悲哀在你门上敲著,她传话说你的主醒著呢,他叫你在夜的黑暗中奔赴爱的约会。Misery knocks at thy door, and her message is that thy lord is wakeful , and he calls thee to the love-tryst through the darkness of night.

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在这个叠加的故事里,一只睡不著的跳蚤在一堆睡著的人和动物的最上面,跳蚤只是咬了一口,却引发了一场混乱。In this cumulative tale, a wakeful flea atop a number of sleeping creatures causes a commotion, with just one bite. Illustrated by Don Wood.

在这个月的认知神经科学杂志上,他和他的同事阐述了做梦时的大脑所产生的应激反应跟清醒时的状态非常类似。In this month’s issue of the journal Cognitive Neuroscience, he and his colleagues reported that dreaming brains respond more like wakeful ones.

这夜晚同样地受惠于公鸡怀着不眠之夜的希翼发出的啼叫。鸡啼从日落时分便开始了,过早地迎接黎明。The night is equally indebted to the clarion of the cock, with wakeful hope, from the very setting of the sun, prematurely ushering in the dawn.

在这个月的认知神经科学杂志上,他和他的同事阐述了做梦时的大脑所产生的应激反应跟清醒时的状态非常类似。In this month's issue of the journal Cognitive Neuroscience, he and his colleagues reported that dreaming brains respond more like wakeful ones. Dr.

一旦你的心灵从思想中解脱出来,它变得更加清晰和清醒并处于一个简单的觉知状态中。Once your mind is free from thought, it becomes clearly wakeful and at rest in an utterly simple awareness. This awareness cannot be described adequately.

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今天,清晨闭上眼,不理东风不住的狂啸,一层厚幕遮住了永远觉醒的碧空。Today the morning has closed its eyes, heedless of the insistent calls of the loud east wind, and a thick veil has been drawn over the ever- wakeful blue sky.

在所有生灵的夜晚,自控的人却是清醒的,而当所有的人都清醒的时候,就是自省圣贤的夜晚。What is night for all living entities then the self-controlled is wakeful and that in which all living beings are awake, that is night for the introspective sage.

在不时醒来的间隙,我祈望第二天的早晨还能看见雨继续下着,我们的胡同浸在水里,水漫到沐浴水池的最上一级台阶。And in the wakeful intervals I pray that the morning may see the rain continue, our lane under water, and the bathing platform of the tank submerged to the last step.