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与其说他作了一个前后连贯的分析,倒不如说他描绘了一系列出色的场景。He developed less a coherent analysis than a series of brilliant tableaux.

现在的麦迪文跪坐在了地上,双眼牢牢地盯着面前的舞台剧。The present-Medivh had sunk to his knees, his eyes locked on the tableaux before him.

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构图和特写是电影画面处理的两个重要方面。Composition and close-up are the two important aspects in the arrangement of film tableaux.

基于这样一种理解基础上创作的图像,是和舞台剧中的往事回忆相关,或者是令人惊叹的雕塑象征。This knowledge creates images that are at times reminiscent of tableaux vivants or of corporeal sculptural signs.

舞蹈设计者不但熟悉集体民间舞蹈,对舞台造型和双人舞也非常自信。The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

定义了“混合杨图”将强、弱场两种耦合方案的能谱直接对比,从而明确了强、弱场波函数之间的变换关系。Mixed young tableaux are defined and employed to search for the transformation properties between the strong-field and the weak-field coupling schemes.

韦伯颠覆性地使用这个媒介的「真实本质」,创作出疑幻似真又具戏剧性的场景,带出真实与想像之间的张力。Webb's subversive play on the "inherent honesty" of the medium provides the tension between the real and the imagined in his deceptive and theatrical tableaux.

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不仅熟悉集体民间舞蹈,而且在涉及舞台造型和双人舞时也是那么有信心。The choreography isn't so bad either. The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

受十八世纪艺术大师戈雅描绘法西拿破仑战争的著名蚀刻画系列启迪,他们以塑料人物雕塑重现这一幕历史画面。Using plastic model figurines, the brothers recreated a series of tableaux inspired by the eighteenth century artist Francisco Goya's famous series of etchings of the Franco-Spanish Napoleonic wars.

传统的玻璃镶嵌画基本都以单线平涂的手法处理画面,轮廓线便是镶嵌玻璃的铅条。Generally speaking, the traditional glass-mosaic producers paint the tableaux with a monochromatic pattern. The alloyed threads made of lead and tin that are used to inlay glass serve as the contours.