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再生当前线束并重新显示缆。Regenerate current harness and redisplay cables.

自由立体显示技术可以再现丢失的深度信息。Autostereoscopic display technology can redisplay the lost depth information.

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对基于K-L变换的彩色图像边缘检测和边缘图的彩色重显进行了研究。Color edge detection and color edge image redisplay based on K-L transform is also studied.

如果出现这种情况,请将已修改或重新定位的源代码再次拖动到类图中以重新显示它。If so, drag the modified or relocated source code to the class diagram again to redisplay it.

在检测到空字符串时更好的解决方法是重新显示表单,并在表单上面给出错误提示以便用户立刻重新填写。It would be much better to redisplay the form, with an error above it, so that the user can try again immediately.

实现了海图显示、海图作业、航线设计、航路监视、航行再现以及打印五个功能。The system comprises five function modules which are chart display, chart work, track design, track watching, navigation redisplay and print.

明代的惊情迷梦香港六合彩总部真实料以一种不曾臆想过的意境,复生于京城皇家粮仓的演剧空间。However, it is an unexpected idea to redisplay the surprising romance of the Ming Dynasty in the Imperial Granary in the capital, an unconventional "Drama House".

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如果你在测试用例中用到了多方法,可以发现在任何方法上单击均会显示与当前代码内容相匹配的TDT。If you have multiple methods in your test case, you'll find that clicking within any method will force a redisplay of the TDT to match the context of the current code.

它采用XPDL标准,支持可视化操作,支持业务流程模型重现,并实现了从业务流程到工作流网的映射算法。The tool applies standard of XPDL released by WfMC, backups visual operation and model redisplay. And it realizes mapping arithmetic from business process to workflow net.

正常的处理流程通过实线标识,虚线表示一些诸如刷新显示、验证错误、转换错误等特殊情况的可选的处理流程。The normal flow of control is shown with solid lines, whereas dashed lines show alternate flows depending on whether a component requests a page redisplay or validation or conversion errors occur.