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我是个专注的步行者。I'm a keen walker.

他不需要助行架。He needed no walker.

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他是一个走路快的人。He is a quick walker.

助行架必须得用。The walker must be used.

你可以走了,华克太太。You can go, Mrs. Walker.

他现在是否可以进学步车了?Now he can enter a walker?

沃克尔设计的白色正装。Walker designed the white dress.

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我站着和华克太太交谈。I stand and talk with Mrs. Walker.

我们的女儿不喜欢学步车。Our daughter didn't like the walker.

瓦尔克是来自阿姆斯特丹的珠宝窃贼。Walker is a jewel thief form Amsterdam.

这里有个特殊走绳者。Well, we have a very special rope walker.

沃克医生是手脚骨折方面的专家。Doctor Walker is an expert in volar fracture.

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考试在沃克楼,请务必到时去沃克楼。It's in Walker, so make sure you go to Walker.

梅森女士只能拄着拐杖行走了。Ms. Mason could get around only using a walker.

沃克在找一车子的小孩…Walker was looking for this big busload of kids.

暮暮朝朝又一载,每个人都是匆匆的行者。Day and night and a carrier, everyone is a walker.

这是在walker三楼的体育馆。That is the gymnasium on the third floor of Walker.

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最后,一位沙漠徒步者发现了他,将其救出。He was finally rescued when a walker discovered him.

对方重新发球,肯塔基队又把球抢下来,Walker再次轻松得分。Kentucky stole it again. Another easy basket by Walker.

在路上她遇到别的汽车和行人就按喇叭。She blasted her horn at every car and walker in her way.