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在我看来,跟注是糟糕的。Call is terrible IMO.

他们是大麻烦海事组织。They are in big trouble imo.

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这是个不错的策略。This is a sound strategy , IMO.

这是基层伊莫监测。This is the base level iMo monitor.

有最终的裁决权。IMO Hong Kong Committee will be final.

国际海事组织已经发布了如下通告IMO has issued the following circulars

海事组织,我会等待6核心的变化。IMO , I'd wait for the 6-core variation.

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当然,即使这是一个妥协海事组织。Of course, even that is a compromise IMO.

我的意思是,亲中国意味着双赢。Pro-China actually means pro win-win, IMO.

国际危规B等级危险品装在甲板上。Dangerous goods of IMO Class B carried on deck.

但是,依我看这种观点是肤浅的和短视的。But such views are shallow and near sighted IMO.

重申一下,我认为这是“滥用”Scrum框架。Again, that's 'abusing' the Scrum framework, IMO.

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我选择家庭学校是基于我自己的想法。My decision to homeschool was based upon necessity IMO.

的燃油效率。这些均符合国际海事组织倡?的绿色标准。These are in line with green content advocated by IMO regulations.

消防标识应该按照相应的规范要求张贴。IMO signs for fire-fighting shall post to the places according to the rules.

国际海事组织正在实施一项打击海盗的计划,这是一项自1998即开始实施的长期计划。IMO is implementing an anti-piracy project, a long-term project which began in 1998.

海鹰的外形像船是为了避免国际航海组织的条款限制。SeaFalcon is made with the appearance of a ship in order to avoid the regulation of IMO.

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虽然我不想损人家,但是恕我直言,我觉得新版演四皇子的演员其实更适合演一个太监。Not to be mean but the 4th prince actually looks more suited to play a little eunuch imo.

你也可以把西红柿切成片儿,用白糖拌在一起,多么美味呀!You can also just cut tomatoes imo pieces and mix them with sugar. How delicious they are!

我能明白范甘迪为什么昏倒了,但是无论如何,天哪,这都是这个赛季最精彩的胜利之一。I can see what JVG is pissed about, but still, this is one of the best wins of the season, IMO.