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而如果文件是打印的,你可以对文件进行光学字符识别。And if the documents is typed, you can just apply OCR to the document.

从上世纪70年代以来,光学字符识别技术逐渐走向成熟。Since last century 70's, the OCR technology has gradually moved to maturely.

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光学文字识别机是扫描机的一种,它把打字字体或印刷字体转为数码资料。An OCR machine is a form of scanner which converts typed or printed text into digital data.

我想要一个自动光学字符识别验证码的解决方案,我不想要一个人的验证码解决小组。I want an automated OCR ReCaptcha solution and I do NOT want a human based captcha solving team.

双桥产品包括中,日,韩文系统,光学字元辨识,等。TwinBridge products include enabling systems for Chinese, Japanese and Korean, OCR and much more.

本产品的标准版本是专门为部署小容量的表单处理解决方案的开发人员设计的。SmartZone OCR Standard is designed for developers deploying a low volume forms processing solution.

相似字识别的正确与否对整个识别系统的准确性和可用性都有著极大的影响。Similar characters recognition has a great impact on the accuracy and usability of the whole OCR system.

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由于目前扫描仪和光学字符识别技术的进步,我不知道这一说法是否还可信,但这样做并无坏处。Given recent advances in scanners and OCR technology, I’m not sure that I buy this argument, but it can’t hurt.

汉英双语混排识别是构造自动文档处理系统时常会遇到的问题。Chinese and English bilingual OCR is a common problem to be resolved in automatic document image processing system.

一些仪器重新取样,这是重新组合略有变化记录,特别是与心中的OCR。Some instruments were re-sampled and it was re-recorded with slight changes to the mix, specifically with OCR in mind.

对于偶然使用OCR的用户来说是一个很不错的功能,用户可以迅速从PDF,图像或名片中抓取文字。This feature is great for casual OCR users that want to quickly grab text from PDFs and some images or business cards.

在这个背景下,适合将官方隔夜利率调整至更具刺激性的位置,且快速地实现这项调降。Given this backdrop it is appropriate to take the OCR to a more stimulatory position and to deliver this reduction quickly.

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在包装之前,每片产品均经过ID码检测机,每片产品内圈的刻码都会经过摄像机的扫描和OCR识别。Before packing, the production was verified by ID-identify machine, every piece of CD's inner code was scanned by OCR camera.

本文还对XML文档与文本数据、OCR数据转换等问题进行了探讨,提出解块这些问题的数据转换模型。The transformation between XML document and non-structured data such as text file and OCR data were discussed in this paper too.

但对那些严重依赖OCR的用户可能会失望,可能使用商业软件的解决方案结果更好。Those who rely on OCR heavily will likely be disappointed with the features and may have better results with commercial solutions.

OCR服务在欧美有巨大的市场需求,它的应用广泛,从办公自动化到医院的管理、病历处理。OCR service has huge market demand in occident. It can be used in many fields. For example, OA, hospital management, case handling.

它带来了很多随时可用的高级功能,不过要用好它们你还是需要成为一个相当了解文件扫描的人。It comes with a lot of advanced features right outof the box, though you have to be an OCR nerd in order to effectively use themall.

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它带来了很多随时可用的高级功能,不过要用好它们你还是需要成为一个相当了解文件扫描的人。It comes with a lot of advanced features right out of the box, though you have to be an OCR nerd in order to effectively use them all.

提出一个通用的表格结构和模块,解决了OCR和OMR同时存在的表格数据的识别。A general table structure and module are expressed, which provides recognition of table data under condition of concurrent OCR and OMR.

配合光学字符识别技术,此独具特色的功能可捕捉、朗读文本,满足特殊人群的需要。By coupling these hardware features with OCR technology, Zii EGG developers can create applications that cater to people with special needs.