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利比亚铁路工人们的待遇最终得到改善是一个小的标志。The gang of Liberian railway workers is a small sign things may finally be improving.

这次旅程大大加强了我与利比里亚妇女缝纫项目合作的决心。My trip only reinforced my commitment to partner with the Liberian Women's Sewing Project.

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艾伦.罗杰大使是联合国安全理事会赖比瑞亚禁运制裁委员会的主席。Ambassador Ellen Loj is the chair of the U. N. Security Council's Committee for Liberian Sanctions.

利比里亚孔子学院设理事会,由3名利方人员和4名中方人员联合组成。The board of Confucius Institute at Liberia University is made up of 3 Liberian members and 4 Chinese members.

李肇星说,贵国新总统今天就职,揭开了利比里亚历史新的一页。Li said that the inauguration of Liberia's new President today has opened a new chapter in the Liberian history.

布什总统还赞赏了利比里亚人民的"勇气、毅力以及对自由威力的坚定信念"。Bush also thanked the Liberian people for their “courage, steadfastness and enduring faith in the power of freedom.”

利比里亚国旗红、白、蓝相间,其颜色和图案都与美国国旗非常相似。They cheered and waved American and Liberian red, white and blue flags, which look very similar in color and design.

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联合国难民公署说,他们正设立一个难民营来庇护没有得到利比里亚家庭收留的科特迪瓦难民。The U.N. refugee agency says it is setting up a camp to shelter those who have not been taken in by Liberian families.

美国正在与利比里亚政府共同对利比里亚安全部队进行改组和职业化训练。The United States is working with the Liberian government to restructure and professionalize Liberian security forces.

利比里亚总统爱伦·约翰森·希尔丽夫要求除了一个以外的所有内阁大臣立即辞职。Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has asked all but one of her cabinet ministers to stand down with immediate effect.

2006年1月15日,外交部长李肇星在蒙罗维亚会见了利比里亚当选总统瑟利夫女士。On January 15, 2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with Liberian President-elect Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Monrovia.

那些年的战争造成近250,000人的死亡和基础设施的瘫痪,还有利比里亚女孩们更加水深火热的境地。It left about 250, 000 dead and the country’s infrastructure in ruins. Liberian girls are in a particularly underprivileged position.

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一个战争罪行法庭说,控方可以传唤模特纳奥米·坎贝尔在前利比里亚总统查尔斯·泰勒的审判中出庭作证。A war crimes court says prosecutors can call model Naomi Campbell to testify at the trial of former Liberian President Charles Taylor.

目前全世界最重要的咖啡豆主要来自阿拉比卡,罗伯斯塔及利比里亚这三个原品种。At present the world most coffee beans mainly come from three original varieties, they are Arabica beans, Robusta beans and Liberian beans.

这确实是团队努力的结果——是利比亚政府和国际伙伴通力合作的结果,”美国驻利比里亚大使克里斯汀·埃尔德说。It has truly been a team effort– with the Liberian government and with international partners, "said U. S. Ambassador to Liberia Christine Elder."

2006年1月16日,中国外交部长李肇星在蒙罗维亚会见了利比里亚当选众议院议长斯诺。On January 16, 2006, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with Speaker-elect of the Liberian House of Representatives Edwin Snowe in Monrovia.

斯诺说,利全国过渡议会去年8月通过了重申恪守一个中国原则的决议。Snowe noted that the Liberian transitional national parliament issued a resolution on reaffirming abidance by the one-China principle last August.

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利比里亚总统爱伦·约翰森·希尔丽夫敦促选民忽略其对手温斯顿·塔布曼发起的总统选举抵抗活动。The Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged voters to ignore a boycott of the presidential election called by her rival Winston Tubman.

2007年1月16日,利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚,利比亚总统约翰逊·瑟里夫向她的支持者致意。Under tight security, Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf greets supporters on the streets in downtown Monrovia on Tuesday, January 16, 2007.

利方感谢中方对利的真诚帮助,欢迎更多中国企业赴利投资,实现互利共赢。The Liberian side thanked for China’s sincere assistance and welcomed more Chinese businesses to invest in the country for mutual benefit, she added.