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公司使人烦躁、愤怒、花代价并挣扎着成为“行业领先”。Companies fret and fume, spend and squirm to be “industry leaders.

对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。坐立不安。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

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对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness.

是否带礼物的问题常使客人不安。The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm.

此话一出,那四个像是生化人一样的大汉立刻蠢蠢欲动。As soon as she finished, the four seemingly biochemical people started to squirm.

他充分轻易地伸手接到射门,但然后让球尴尬地越过他并走进网窝。He reached the shot easily enough, but then let it squirm over him and hit the net.

如果你想要成年人像幼儿园小朋友那样拘谨,那就和他协商薪资吧。If you want to make adults squirm like kindergarteners, broach the subject of salary negotiation.

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然而,下面这些注意抢占标志性别平等,有很多女权主义者,使蠕动。Yet beneath these attention-grabbing markers of gender parity, there's plenty to make a feminist squirm.

他所喜爱的是Moyer在投手丘上的斗志,他从各种困境中挣扎出来的能力。What he loved was Moyer's combativeness on the mound, his ability to squirm from seemingly dire predicaments.

假若你拿片树叶在蜘蛛网上晃动,蜘蛛会对此不闻不问,因为树叶是不能像被俘获的昆虫那样蠕动的。Toss a piece of leaf onto a spiderweb. The spider is indifferent. Because leaves don't squirm like captured flies.

但在节目中最有趣的可能还要属观看选手们会议室的羞赧与争论了。But perhaps the most entertaining feature of the show will be watching the hopefuls squirm and squabble in the boardroom.

作为一个记者,看到一些世界顶尖科学家被孩子质问时局促不安的样子总会感到窃喜。For a reporter, it is a guilty pleasure to see some of the world’s leading scientists squirm — or not — when grilled by a child.

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狡猾的黑暗小人s应该会很不舒服地蠕动,因为他们谎言大厦将倒塌成废墟在他们的瘫腿附近堆满瓦砾。The crafty sons of darkness shall squirm in discomfort as their ritual of lies fall in shambles in a pile around their deadened feet.

看着你在悠悠醒转时踢腿、蠕动、伸伸小胳膊小腿,皱皱小脸,然后嚎啕大哭,我依然感到惊奇万分。I still feel a sense of wonder as you kick and squirm upon waking—as you stretch your teeny -tiny limbs, wrinkle your little face, and cry.

格林似乎是跟在球后面的,但是这个西汉姆联门将却没能把球抱稳,也没能阻止球滚进球门线。Green appeared to be behind it but the West Ham man let the ball squirm for his grasp and he was unable to prevent it from crossing the line.

祈祷她在反向关系她的手臂,让她扭动了一会儿前胯部套她,然后把她成一团几分钟。She ties her arms in a reverse prayer and lets her squirm around for a bit before crotch roping her and then tying her into a ball for a few minutes.

今天报道伊丽莎白星期二进入法庭看那个偷走她一生的男人对她充满诅咒的证词的反应的谣传特别多。Reports were rife today that Elisabeth had slipped into court on Tuesday to watch the man who stole her life squirm as he heard her damning testimony.

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和我妻子克里斯汀一起坐车,由她开车时是很让我抓狂的,她只要碰到黄色的交通信号灯就刹车,我坐在后面总是没耐性的动来动去。It makes me crazy when my wife, Kristin, drives our car, because she brakes at all the yellow caution lights, while I squirm impatiently in the passenger seat.

民主党需要抑制他们提高富人所适用边际税率的冲动,慢慢摆脱永不向任何其他群体增税的承诺。Democrats need to control their passion for applying higher marginal tax rates to the rich, and squirm out of their promise never to raise taxes on anybody else.

阿米巴虫,血细胞,叶绿体,水螅,草履虫,微生物和其他微观扭动和蠕动与迷人的运动特写意见一定要你洗手。Amoebae, blood cells, chloroplasts, hydra, paramecia, and other microscopic microorganisms wiggle and squirm with fascinating movement in closeup views sure to make you wash your hands.