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纽约芬妮水晶首饰店。Fanny Crystal Jewelry Co. Inc.

范妮来见约翰·济慈。Fanny comes to meet John Keats.

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最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。Finally, Abe and Fanny were rescued.

因为我有一个既漂亮又有趣的家。Bcause I have a beautiful and fanny home.

范妮很想去索瑟顿看看。Fanny has a great desire to see Sotherton.

范妮拍拍他的背说好的。Fanny slapped him on the back and said yes.

范尼·吉尔勒住在其中一座核电站附近。Fanny Zierle lives near one of those plants.

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艾贝的姐姐范妮正在学习历史。Abe's elder sister, Fanny was studying history.

难道我只能听大家对我讲,唯独不能听范妮本人给我讲讲吗?Am I to hear of it from everybody but Fanny herself?

范妮多少天来从没这样心情舒畅过。Fanny had not felt so comfortable for days and days.

自从可怜的亲爱的范妮离开我们以后,我就一直觉得不舒服。I have not been quite myself, since poor dear Fanny departed.

我搞不懂为什么迈克那么喜欢芬妮。她根本是个没有脑袋的笨蛋。I don't get why Mike's so crazy about Fanny. She's such an airhead.

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埃尔热去世后,他的妻子Fanny继承了他的作品权。After Hergé’s death, his wife Fanny inherited the rights to his work.

多年后芬妮。·勃劳恩仍常去那篇荒野且多在夜深人静之时。Fanny Brawne walked the heath for many years, often far into the night.

“如果你只是要说这些话,范妮——”埃德蒙笑了笑,又转身要走。"If that is all you have to say, Fanny" smiling and turning away again.

好象范妮·罗宾死了,死在卡斯特桥济贫院里了。I'm afraid Fanny Robin's dead, ma'am. Dead in the Casterbridge workhouse.

祁乐知道祁仁找芬妮假扮母亲后,怒气冲天。QiLe know QiRen looking for Fanny after pretending to be a mother, angry.

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图为吴静怡在获奖后与酒店后援团的合影。Picture is Fanny Wu with her fans group of the hotel after winning the award.

范妮说她休息好了,也想活动活动,但是没得到许可。Fanny said she was rested, and would have moved too, but this was not suffered.

想象一下30个家伙打扮成我这样。为客人们分发鲻鱼和腰包。Imagine 30 guys dressed like me, serving tourists with mullets and fanny packs.