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我们很少在家过这些普通市民的居家日子。We are too seldom at home to lead lives of ordinary townsfolk.

我也没想到普通的小市民,杀戮起来可以如此性感。I never thought homely, townsfolk killing Brits could be so hot.

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此时我的同乡们开始把这些新来的爱迪生市民叫“点脑壳”。At which point my townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians "dot heads.

此时我的同乡们开始把这些新来的爱迪生市民叫“点脑壳”。At which point my townsfolk started calling the new Edisonians "dot heads."

同时,艾丽森必须处理与市民不赞成自己的坏名声。Meanwhile, Alison must deal with townsfolk who disapprove of her bad reputation.

夜里,市民都早已上床睡觉了,工厂里还炉火熊熊,铁锤叮当。By night the furnaces glowed and the hammers clanged long after townsfolk were abed.

如果镇上的居民看到你的不死族部下,他们会呼叫当地的守卫来阻止你。If the townsfolk see your undead minions, they'll call the local guards to stop you.

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他是市民社会、教育和宗教福利的支持者。He was a champion of the social, educational, and religious welfare of his townsfolk.

昨日,旅美温州老乡陈先生在越洋电话中就此向记者证实。Yesterday, Mr Chen Wenzhou Old townsfolk in the ocean on the phone to reporters confirmed.

一些以往其身不正的镇民都相信约翰是来杀死自己的。Townsfolk have shady pasts that make each one believe that John Gant is there to kill them.

那是一个冬日傍晚,镇民在白马酒店小聚。It began on a winter's evening, when the townsfolk were gathering in the White Horse Tavern.

但附近城镇老有人失踪,他们怀疑这与庇护所有关。But townsfolk suspected that missing persons' reports from nearby towns were related to this.

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乡亲民众们纷纷失去影踪的同时,青铜骑士轻声低语,将降临并惩罚恶人!The townsfolk hide away, whispering of the Bronze Horseman, who has come to pass judgment on the wicked!

他和其他的镇民保持距离,而且看来踏入了黑暗、沈思的沮丧之中。He kept his distance from the rest of the townsfolk and seemed to lapse into a dark, brooding depression.

空旷的海滩非常适合散步,爱好社交的市民都是闲聊的大师。Empty beaches are perfect for strolling and the sociable townsfolk are masters of the art of shooting the breeze.

现在和10多个老乡住在梅林,其中两人是“大师傅”,其他人都是些电工、木工等。Old townsfolk and now living in Meilin over 10, two of whom are "master", others are more electrical, carpentry, etc.

老舍的创作始终贯穿着一种独特的文化批判精神,在对自己深浸其间的市民文化在表达眷恋的同时也透露了同等的忧思。He was deeply attached to the townsfolk culture he had been immersed in, but was equally upset about it at the same time.

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直到有一天失败的严峻和紧张的承诺为基础的神回水乡亲等待有人担心死。Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die.

我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场点篝火,和镇民们玩弄恶作剧。I knew that parties were involved, begging for nuts and candies, bonfires in the square, and playing tricks on the townsfolk.

消息一传开,他的家乡江西泰和县塘洲镇洲头村的老乡们都吃惊不小。When the news first appeared, his hometown in Jiangxi Taihuoxian Tong Zhou Zhen Chau Tau Old townsfolk who were shocked not small.