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地毯上的图案很匀称。The designs in the rug are well proportioned.

该机屏幕比例很匀称。The screen on this unit is well proportioned.

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战士调制步子以便与行军的步伐一致。The soldier proportioned his pace to the march.

她有着舞蹈演员那种曼妙匀称的体型。She has the dancer's finely proportioned physique.

革命时期有过许多那样的人,都和那时代相称。The Revolution had many of these men, proportioned to the epoch.

体检显示这女病人发育均匀正常。On P. E. the patient appeared to be a normally proportioned female.

总的效果是你折腾出一个更符合比例的工作空间。The net effect is that you wind up with a much better proportioned working space.

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惹眼的等比例吸血鬼蝙蝠吊坠。A moderately proportioned vampire bat pendant to aid inconspicuous fraternisation.

这类艺术所保持的一切都存在于它本身,合乎逻辑而又自成比例。All things are in place in that art, self-created, logical, and well proportioned.

他中等身材,大概50多岁的样子,很活跃但是举止得体。He is a man of middle height, about fifty years old, active, and well proportioned.

硫酸和稀释用水通常按预先确定的比例供给并相互连锁。Acid and dilution water feeds are usually proportioned in a predetermined ratio and interlocked.

历史悠久的中国古代画论认为鹅蛋脸是比例最完美的脸型。It is long held in Chinese ancient painting theory that an oval face makes for the best proportioned features.

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由泡沫储液罐、比例混合器、进水管、出液管、及控制阀等部件组成。It is made up foam vessel, proportioned equipment, water-entering pipe, liquid-out pipe and other control value.

比例恰当的头部、配合上正确的眼睛和耳朵,给他一种舒柏奇犬特有的表情。The well proportioned head, accompanied by the correct eyes and ears, will give the dog proper Schipperke expression.

骨肉停匀,并不算瘦,就是脸上没有血色,也没擦胭脂,只傅了粉。She was well proportioned without being thin but had no blood in her cheeks and was not wearing any rouge, only face powder.

在高水胶比条件下,胶凝材料的最终化学结合水量与其水化活性大小成正比。The final hydration degree of binders is proportioned with their hydration reactivity in the condition of high water-binder ratio.

资本市场的风险分摊功能在于提供细分资产、降低交易成本、传递信号和做空。Capital market takes functions of risk shared by deceasing business cost, offering proportioned assets, passing signal and hedging.

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我不知道我在预期什么,但希瑟的照片,拉斯维加斯“护送”,同一个不可思议的身材比例,是一个冲击。I don't know what I was expecting, but the photo of Heather, a Las Vegas "escort" with an impossibly proportioned body, was a shock.

大白熊是一种高雅的品种,全身雪白的被毛让它们看上去要比实际强壮,也使它们具有很好的身材比例。The Great Pyrenees is an elegant, well proportioned animal, that with its full winter coat, appears to be larger than it actually is.

但其他方面的标准比体重重要的多,一只体重不到规格的小狗,只要是身体健壮,比例匀称,就可以不被视为有缺陷。Type and quality are of greater importance than weight, and a smaller dog that is sturdy and well proportioned should not be penalized.