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瞅瞅我又变蘑菇了!Me a mushroom now!

香菇切成小粒。Finely chop the mushroom.

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奔赴菇类农场。Proceed to Mushroom Farm.

我早就说过这些蘑菇归我。I called dibs on these mushroom.

用来栽培菇类的树木。Trees used for mushroom growing.

蘑菇是这里的特色菜。The mushroom is a speciality here.

忌廉蘑菇汤和蛤蛎浓汤。Cream of mushroom and clam chowder.

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有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.

我是一只小小的爱奋斗的小蘑菇。I am a hard-working little mushroom.

每个孢就像个小蘑菇。Each spore is like a little mushroom.

蘑菇煎蛋卷只为自己付帐。The mushroom omelet appealed to itself.

冬菇、虾米浸软切幼粒。Soak and dice mushroom and dried shrimp.

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奶油蘑菇松露义大利面,好吃!Yammy Cream Mushroom & Truffle Spaghetti!

这调味酱用蘑菇作调料。This sauce uses mushroom as its seasoning.

此种装修,“蘑菇石”和“板岩”都能派上用场。Mushroom stone and slate could be both used.

伞菌在俚语中通常被称为“有毒的蘑菇”。Toadstool is slang for "poisonous mushroom".

是的,我要洋葱汤及蔬菜沙拉。I'll have the mushroom omelets and onion soup.

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右击指定蘑菇头、推拉头。Right-click for mushroom head, push-pull head.

今天的特色汤是青豆蘑菇汤。The soup of the day is green bean or mushroom.

巴楚蘑菇对土壤营养条件有很强的适应性。Bachu mushroom has more adapt to soil nutrient.