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那古董商慧眼识珠,鉴别假货从不出错。The antique dealer has an unerring ability to spot a fake.

是的,她已经丧失了对邪恶气息的敏锐嗅觉。Yes, she had lost her unerring sense for the reek of evil.

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聪明的法利亚从来没算错过一件事,他不会单单在这件事上弄错的。The wise, unerring Faria could not be mistaken in this one thing.

对于史前的猎人来说,他们头上的月亮正如他们的心跳。To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as heartbeat.

慧眼识人,知人善任,经营有道,生意兴隆。Be affirmative with unerring intuition for his booming business tactics.

对于史前时代的猎人们来说,头顶上的月亮就像心跳一样准确无误。To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as a heartbeat.

她娴熟地发着短信,把手机按键按得不住地咔嗒响。She is sending text messages with unerring skill, the keys are being tapped.

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在挖掘网络世界一流的可视化数据方面,丘有着无可比拟的敏锐力。Yau has an unerring ability to unearth the best data visualisations on the web.

能没有差错地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有效的特性之一。Bn unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.

他知人善任,邀集了一大批社会名流。With unerring intuition he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.

Samish和Dane竭尽全力保护她,而她也极为精准地反复射击一个机器人。While Samish and Dane tried to protect her, she shot a droid repeatedly with unerring accuracy.

然而,最吸引人眼球的还是他在主罚定位球时准确无误的落点。However, it is the unerring accuracy of his delivery from set pieces that catches the eye above all.

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但作为一个如此在意保密的人,阿桑奇还展示出高超的吸引注意力的本事。Yet for someone so mindful of secrecy, Mr Assange also shows an unerring knack for attracting attention.

CNC机床的最大优势来自无错的和快速的可能运动的控制。The greatest advantage in CNC machining comes from the unerring and rapid positioning movements possible.

经由一份异常奇异美妙的旋律感,该功放不偏不倚地关注在细节并维系住你的兴趣点。The amp pays unerring attention to detail and maintains your interest thanks to a fantastic sense of rhythm.

由诺多克西肯的微器材子公司开发的高级传感器赋予TIE轰炸机准确无误的精确度。Advanced sensors developed by Nordoxicon's Micro Instruments divisions grant the TIE bomber unerring accuracy.

制导的精确无误使搜寻神舟5号返回舱的工作轻而易举。The unerring precision in control and guide made it an easy job to search for the return capsule of Shenzhou 5.

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其诡计多端的战术和无懈可击的战略在恩多战役五年后把帝国带到了胜利的边缘。His cunning tactics and unerring strategies brought the Empire to the brink of victory five years after the Battle of Endor.

他把每一件事都视作神圣母亲用手指正确地拨弄,甚至引入歧途的光在他看来也是出自于神。He saw in everything the unerring finger of the Divine Mother. Even the light that leads astray was to him the light from God.

尽管他的设想还不能完全实现,但是他重视历史的坚定信念和热情是值得钦佩的。Although his vision was not completely achieved, his unerring belief in the importance of our history and passion is to be admired.