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南北关系降至冰点。North-South relations seem in a tailspin.

制造厂关闭后,当地经济可能突然陷于困境。After the mill closes,the local economy may tailspin.

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该项报告导致美国股市在当天下午晚些时候陷入一片混乱之中。S. economy sent the stock market into a late-afternoon tailspin today.

因此,产业衰退、大量资金损失使得电影产业笼罩在一片愁云惨淡之中。As a result, the movie industry was in a tailspin and hemorrhaging money.

所有的目光都关注华盛顿,关注它把世界拖出经济失控状态。All eyes are on Washington to pull the world out of its economic tailspin.

瑞奇马丁陷入了失控的商业作秀中。这个男孩需要帮助。现在就需要。Ricky Martin is in a show-biz tailspin. The boy needs help. And he needs it now.

但美联储的干预措施很可能在拉动美国经济脱离泥潭方面起到了更大的作用。But the Fed's interventions likely played a bigger role in pulling the economy out of its tailspin.

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她生活中的任何压力和突变过去会将它送入心理上的混乱。Any stress or sudden change in her life at one time would send Saks into a tailspin psychologically.

网站之前的下载者们于是就分散到其他数百家网站上,而该业务从此一直处于下滑趋势。The downloaders merely scattered to hundreds of other sites, and the industry has been in a tailspin ever since.

没错,两年前经济衰退正式结束了,经济也的确从可怕的垂直下跌中被拉了回来。Yes, officially the recession ended two years ago, and the economy did indeed pull out of a terrifying tailspin.

大萧条之前就频频催逼的人口统计的时钟在经济走下坡路的时候并没有停摆。The demographic clock that was ticking before the Great Recession didn't stop when the economy went into a tailspin.

把空虚谱成华章,把寂寞编成妙韵。把神不守舍绘成一幅有一幅如诗如幻的水墨画!Put into a tailspin spectrum Chinese Zhang, loneliness into Town Hall. Put a mind compose a poem as a magic of painting!

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次贷危机使得房地产市场一路下滑并导致更大范围的信贷市场收缩。The subprime lending debacle has sent the housing market into a tailspin and caused a broader contraction in the credit markets.

与头一个亲骨肉的分离令她痛不欲生,她开始毫无节制的酗酒,吸毒,这些习惯至今她还保留着。Separated from her first-born, she entered into a tailspin of drinking and drug-taking in which she remained, she says, for most of the next 30 years.

美国和其他相对富裕的国家居民开始削减开支,让日本和中国这类的出口型国家也随之陷入经济疲软。Consumers in the United States and other wealthy countries slashed their spending, sending export-heavy countries like Japan and China into a tailspin.

但这并不妨碍其高官上周发出政治性的言论,从而导致全球市场在上周五陷入一波动荡。But that did not prevent the politically charged comments made last week by senior Hungarian officials from sending world markets into a tailspin on Friday.

或者说说莎莉,在认真照顾了第一个孩子之后,第二个孩子的出世让她厌倦了带孩子,她变成了一个沮丧而且疏忽大意的母亲。Or Sally who, after doing OK with her first, had a second child who somehow sent her into a tailspin and turned her into an impossibly neglectful, depressed mom.

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否认状态能使你在无意识地接受震惊的或悲伤的信息时,有机会控制接受的速度,而不至于使心理陷入混乱。Being in denial gives your mind the opportunity to unconsciously absorb shocking or distressing information at a pace that won't send you into a psychological tailspin.

然而我估计在八月份,这两人都会寻找一位金融奇才作为他们的竞选搭档以帮助他们引领美国从有可能会成为一场严重的经济衰退中摆脱出来。Come August, though, I predict both men will be looking for a financial wizard as their running mates to help them steer America out of what could become a serious economic tailspin.

任何坏消息都可能令已经不安的金融市场陷入混乱.美国股市周五因全球经济成长前景忧虑而大跌,这也是美股连续第六周下跌.Any upsets could send already jittery financial markets into a tailspin. U.S. stocks, which fell sharply on Friday on concerns over global growth prospects, have posted six straight weeks of losses.