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颠覆社会秩序Upsetting the social order.

这个消息真令人难过。This news is really upsetting.

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作为一名父亲,这种事让人非常心乱。As a father it's just very upsetting.

系列化拉条镦头模设计。Design of the Upsetting Die for a Series of Bracings.

梅利的手哆嗦着,几乎弄翻了她的咖啡杯。Melly's hand shook, almost upsetting her cup of coffee.

于艳茹称这整起事件扰乱了她的未来规划。Yu said the entire matter was upsetting her future plans.

我问她是什么使她如此烦恼,她则厉声斥责我。When I asked what was upsetting her so, she snapped at me.

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因此,我认为“临终”这个词非常不妥。Fot this reason, I find the word "terminal" very upsetting.

我今晚有点心神不定,这场争斗让我不安。I'm a bit unsettled tonight. This war thing's upsetting me.

一想到没有任何人为我女儿做任何事,我就感到难过。It is upsetting to think nobody did anything for my daughter.

汤姆扰乱其它的孩子,所以我把他撵出去了。Tom was upsetting the other children, so I showed him the door.

使用该方法冷镦凹模寿命低。The cold upsetting matrix's life is relatively short in this way.

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但由于当地官员厌恶圣徒,村民怕惹麻烦,一直未付诸行动。But fears of upsetting saint-resenting officials have held them back.

这个观点可能会让很多人烦躁不安,但是却更合理。This may be hugely upsetting to a lot of people, but it makes perfect sense.

在电热镦粗过程中,离线、在线两套网络同时运行。Off- line network and on- line network are adopted in the electric upsetting.

本文介绍一种新型电镦机计算机控制系统。In this paper a new computer controlled electric upsetting system is introduced.

另外,博客家们想到了多元宇宙其他恼人的道德问题。Still, bloggers have found other upsetting moral aspects of multiverse thinking.

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讨论了利用空气锤完成局部顶镦的工艺方案设计、设备改造与模具设计等。The article is about how to adapt air hammer to perform local upsetting operation.

冒着得罪俄罗斯人的风险,71岁的福田说他喝不了伏特加。And, at risk of upsetting the Russians, the 71-year-old said he could not stomach vodka.

麦克格瑞戈尔先生试图用脚踩住彼得,但彼得从窗户跳了出去,碰翻了三盆花草。And tried to put his foot upon Peter, who jumped out of a window, upsetting three plants.