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巫师利用梦来诊断疾病。to diagnose illness.

什么导致了这个病?What cause the illness?

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愤怒会是一种疾病吗?Can anger be an illness?

汤姆因病缺席。Tom is absent on illness.

病愈后他感到虚弱。He felt weak after illness.

中国考试指南网那女孩子患了重病。The girl had a bad illness.

这真是一次莫名的患病。This was a strange illness.

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他因生病而烦躁不安。He chafed under his illness.

他的病终于把他搞垮了。His illness finally got him.

超负荷的工作会引起疾病。Over-work brings on illness.

他因生病极为虚弱。He was prostrated by illness.

一个学生扮演自己生病了。One student mimes an illness.

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这是一种易产生抑郁的疾病。This is a depressive illness.

医生,我得的是什么病?。Doctor, wht illness hve I got?

他病后身体虚弱。He weakened after his illness.

他的病使他身体衰弱了。His illness has left him weak.

他病后身体软弱。His illness has left him weak.

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那么这病“位于”何处?Where is the illness "located?

他因贫病而死。He died of poverty and illness.

这病真磨人!What a torment this illness is!