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设置阶段是至关紧要的。Setting the stage is vital.

而幽默感也是很重要的一环。And a sense of humor is vital.

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修心养性是极其重要的。The culture of the mind is vital.

对于“公地”的定义同样关键。Defining the commons is also vital.

爱对脑发育至关重要。Love is vital to brain development.

这大概是最至关重要的一步。This is perhaps the most vital step.

打结在攀岩运动中是至关重要的。Knot tying is vital in rock climbing.

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他澄清了几个重要的问题。He clarified a couple of vital points.

空间对小户型来说至关重要。Space is vital in the small apartment.

这些,都是极为重要的辩论话题。These are debates of vital importance.

这是一个生命攸关的重要问题。This is a problem of vital importance.

VWF对人体循环至关重要。VWF is vital to the body's circulation.

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一次生命攸关的手术也没能救回他的生命。A vital operation couldn't save his life.

仅存的散片小树林对我们来说也是重要的。Even shards of woodlands are vital to us.

旧时的自我约束是至关重要的。Self-discipline, unfashionably, is vital.

第一个三年对我们至关重要。The first three-year period is vital to us.

统计数据的质量是统计的生命。The quality of data is vital to statistics.

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每个人都是锁链中至关重要的一环。Every man is a vital link in the great chain.

造林是一项重大任务。Afforestation is a matter of vital importance.

瓜达尔正好位于中国重要的石油大动脉上。Gwadar lies right on China’s vital oil artery.