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您夫奈起头当你查抄到你的房间。Your NYE begins when you check into your room.

第四章研究小约瑟夫·奈的新自由主义权力理论。Chapter 4 is a study of Joseph S. Nye , Jr. 's neo-liberal notion of power.

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第六章分析小约瑟夫·奈的世界秩序思想。Chapter 6 is on analysis of Joseph S. Nye , Jr. 's thoughts on world order.

在县衙任职的史大奈忽然出现在堂上,力保秦琼。In the history XianYa for big nye suddenly appeared in class, QinQiong benchmark.

阿丁和奈农去工地找工头乌先生,让他找一个能干的人帮忙教训一下诺巴查。O and Mr Nye farming to site foreman find wu, let him find a capable person to help punish the check.

克里斯从阿拉斯加火山观测站奈伊说,所有三个国家爆发无预警来了。Chris Nye from the state of Alaska's Volcano Observatory says all three eruptions came without warning.

经过大规模的成功团聚夫奈党,爱肌返回冰箱在布里克斯顿特别情人球。After the massive success of the reunion NYE party, Love Muscle returned to the Fridge in Brixton for a special Valentines Ball.

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奈说,中美关系的共存本质意味着,中国不会真的通过抛售或停止购买美债来威胁美国。Nye said the symbiotic nature of the relationship meant Beijing could not realistically hold Washington hostage by selling dollars or ceasing to buy U.S. securities.

奈认为,吸引力“可以通过与盟友的关系、经济援助和文化交流来培养”,结果是获得国际上正面的公众舆论。Nye argued that attraction “could be cultivated through relations with allies, economic assistance, and cultural exchanges,” resulting in a positive public opinion abroad.

如果这会使美国回到国际学者乔瑟夫.雷所说的那种局面当中去,即“软实力和多边主义外交”,这也许是件好事情。If this forces the United States back towards what the international-relations scholar Joseph Nye calls “soft power and multilateral diplomacy”, it may well be a good thing.

文中写到了中国政治轨道不明确所带来的风险,“时代在变化,权力经常造成自大,胃口也经常与食量成正比”。In it Mr Nye writes of the risks posed by China’s uncertain political trajectory. “Generations change, power often creates hubris and appetites sometimes grow with eating, ” he says.