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伍德拉夫进了橄榄球起草于1979年。Woodruff was drafted into the NFL in 1979.

NFL球手,2000年卷入一桩交通肇事案被捕。NFL player, was arrested in 2000 involved in a Traffic Accident.

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警察称这位前美国足联的四分卫的死亡是一起谋杀案。Police are calling the former NFL quarterback's death a homicide.

必须承认,姚明不像曼宁在NFL联盟中那样是个偶像级人物。Granted, Yao is not that icon figure in NBA as Petre Manning in NFL.

两年后,他卸任,成了国家足球联盟的播音员。Two years later he retired and became a sports announcer for the NFL.

在加盟NFL的11个赛季中的后六个赛季,伊佐一直效力于爱国者队。Izzo, 32, has spent the last six of his 11 NFL seasons with the Patriots.

就像是独角兽和美国国家橄榄球联盟的讨价协议一样,这样的女人根本不存在。Like unicorns and an NFL collective bargaining agreement, they don’t exist.

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在总共八周的比赛中,他以4.0次擒杀名列NFL欧洲联赛的第四位。Through eight weeks of play, Ishola ranks fourth in NFL Europa with 4.0 sacks.

这名前NFL球员在阿富汗执行任务时死于友军枪火之下。The former NFL player was killed by friendly fire while on duty in Afghanistan.

在王凯之前,NFL球员中有几人拥有一半的中国血统。He follows in the footsteps of several NFL players who have had one Chinese parent.

去年他来到NFL率领49人队,此前曾是大学足球教练。He was a college football coach before moving to the NFL last year to lead the 49ers.

警方已确认,前国家橄榄球联盟四分卫史蒂夫。麦克奈尔遭枪击致死一案系谋杀。Police are calling the shooting death of former NFL quarterback Steve McNair a homicide.

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NFL队伍胡德型台球灯NFL队伍酒吧灯池线索橄榄球橄榄球队。NFL teams NFL teams Hood-type light pool and billiards cue lights bar rugby football team.

我儿子则喜欢收看在线的国家足球联盟的视频剪辑,他还有他自己的足球博客。My son's entertainment is watching NFL video clips online, and he has his own football blog.

特拉华州曾经尝试修改法律,使得体育博彩合法化,这也遭到了NFL的强烈反对。When Delaware tried amending its laws to allow sports betting, the NFL was strongly opposed.

佛罗里达警方表示对美国国家橄榄球联盟球员史脱尔沃兹的血液测试工作尚未开始。Police in Florida say NFL player Donte Stallworth's blood work hasn't made it to the lab yet.

Seacrest说自己是一个橄榄球迷,今年一直在关注NFL。Seacrest insists that he is a football fan and has been paying attention to the NFL this year.

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考奇是1999年克利夫兰布朗的第一新秀,不过他从2004年季前赛开始就没有在NFL联盟里打过一场比赛。Couch, the top pick by Cleveland in 1999, hasn't played a down in the NFL since the 2004 preseason.

他在欧洲联赛积累非常好的经验,完全有能力出现在NFL的训练营里。He has good experience playing in NFL Europa and he deserves a chance to be in an NFL training camp.

为了清楚了解这些数字,职业美式足球联盟的接球记录是马文哈里逊在2002年创下的143次。To put those figures in perspective, the NFL record for receptions is Marvin Harrison's 143 in 2002.