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我知道主帆是什么?。I know what a mainsail is.

要怎么把主帆拉上去?。How do you get the mainsail up?

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拉下主帆,风太大了。Clew the mainsail down, the wind is too strong.

航行中后桅帆基本上就像第二面主帆一样工作。The mizzen sail functions much like a second mainsail.

当他们抵达一个港口时,水手们落下了帆桁。When they reached an harbour, the sailors clewed the mainsail down.

绞盘通常用来升起主帆,或嵌入前三角帆的帆脚索。Winches are typically used to raise the mainsail and to trim in jib sheets.

但由于天气恶劣,海面上4米多高的海浪将帆船上的主帆给撕破了,这个重大的时刻也因此被推迟了两个多小时。The big moment had been delayed for more than two hours due to 4m swells and a torn mainsail.

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注意,桅杆在船里的位置极为靠前,几乎就在船头上,因此可以有空间装一面帆脚很长的主帆。Note that the mast is positioned very far forward, almost at the bow, making room for a very long-footed mainsail.

这仍然是一个百慕大帆,但主帆成比例地变大了,而前帆则相应变小,以便于操纵并获得最大动力。This is still a Bermuda rig, but the mainsail is proportionally larger and the jib smaller, for ease of handling and maximum power.

这意味着双桅帆上的主帆和前帆通常要比单桅帆船上的小一些,而尾桅帆的面积则恰好弥补了这一差距。This means that the mainsail and head sail of a ketch are generally smaller than on a sloop, but the mizzen sail roughly makes up the difference.

然而,当斜风顺戗或全然溜风时,她的主帆所在一舷为她的下风舷,另一舷则为她的上风舷。However, when sailing by the lee or directly downwind, her leeward side is the side on which her mainsail lies. The other side is her windward side.