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肾间质血管充血。Hyperemia was found in the kidney mesenchyme.

子宫、卵巢组织发生不同程度的增生与充血。Hyperplasia and hyperemia existed in matrix and ovary.

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您的眼睛有些充血发红,这些症状持续多长时间了?Your eyes seem to have hyperemia. How long has it been?

目的探讨静脉充血对生长痛的影响。Objective To observe the effects of venous hyperemia on growing-pain.

溃疡表浅、边界清晰,周围有充血。The ulcer is shallow and sharply demarcated, with surrounding hyperemia.

视力模糊,眼睛刺痛,点状角膜炎,结膜充血。Blurred vision, eye irritation, punctate keratitis, conjunctival hyperemia.

主要病理改变为水肿、炎症细胞浸润和充血。The changes mainly were edema, hyperemia and inflammatory cell infiltration.

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睑缘充血、主觉痛痒及烧灼感。There are marginal hyperemia and pain, itching, burning sensation as symptoms.

食管下段可见黄褐色的斑块,同时黏膜充血。Tan-yellow plaques are seen in the lower esophagus, along with mucosal hyperemia.

图中的梗死灶为黄*色,境界清楚,周围是充血带。The infarcts seen here are yellow, with geographic borders and surrounding hyperemia.

掌握充血及淤血的概念,原因,病理变化及对机体的影响。To master concept, causes, pathologic changes, and effects to body of hyperemia and congestion.

这是正常的,大多数准妈妈经常会发现鼻粘膜充血或出血。This is normal, the majority of mothers are often found in the nasal mucosa hyperemia or bleeding.

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这个阶段的视觉类似反应性充血后出现皮肤长期应用的压力。This stage is visually similar to reactive hyperemia seen in skin after prolonged application of pressure.

尸检中的这例膀胱已经被剖开显示了黏膜充血区,这是一例急性膀胱炎的病例。This bladder at autopsy has been opened to reveal areas of hyperemia of the mucosa. This is acute cystitis.

尸检剖开膀胱显示充血粘膜,是急性膀胱炎的表现。This bladder at autopsy has been opened to reveal areas of hyperemia of the mucosa. this is acute cystitis.

外周的强化反应了炎性的淋巴结包膜的充血或淋巴结血供的增多。Peripheral contrast enhancement reflects hyperemia of the inflamed lymph node capsule or increased lymph node vascularity.

模型组大鼠胃粘膜下层充血,粘膜上皮细胞近胃腔部腺上皮脱落。There was hyperemia in gastric submucosa and abscission of glandular epithelium in mucosa epithelial cells in model group.

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脾脏可见脾小体破坏、消失,脾窦扩张充血,红髓增宽白髓萎缩等。Splenic corpuscles demolished and disappeared, red pulp widened and white pulp atrophied, splenic sinusoid extended with hyperemia.

研究发现,外周动脉疾病的患者反应性充血降低与增加的心血管风险有关。Conclusions— Thus, lower reactive hyperemia is associated with increased cardiovascular risk in patients with peripheral arterial disease.

初期为体表充血,其面积相当于一枚鳞片大小,随着病情的发展充血范围逐渐扩大。Initially surface hyperemia an area equivalent to the size of a flake with the development of congestive heart disease has gradually extended.