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一个残酷的词句可能折损一条生命。A cruel word may wreck a life.

从身体上说,我完全是一个废人。Physically, I was a total wreck.

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今天,我被扯进了一场交通事故。Today, I was involved in a wreck.

我船与水下沉船相碰。I have collided with submerged wreck.

他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

我可以提议憩息一下,喝杯咖啡吗?。May I propose that we wreck for coffee now?

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他们潜水到西班牙失事船上打捞黄金。They are diving for gold from Spanish wreck.

他们遭受了一次严重的电车事故。They've been in a terrible trolley car wreck.

我是破坏王,破坏是我的专长。I'm a wrecker. I wreck things. Professionally.

燃烧的残骸冒出浓烈的黑烟。The smouldering wreck fumed thick black smoke.

他在这次火车事故中没有受伤。He escaped from the train wreck without injury.

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我建议我们憩息一下喝杯咖啡。I would like to suggest that we take a coffee wreck.

你再来,我踩断你的臭脚!You again come, I trample to wreck your smelly feet!

它的的吉祥物是黄蜂和漫步的双门跑车。The Institute mascots are Buzz and the Ramblin' Wreck.

以前的房子现在已经变成颓垣断壁了。My former house has turned into a wreck of tumbled walls.

那辆车的残骸更说明了没有损坏的车的功用。That car wreck goes to show what wreckless driving can do.

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至使八路军再次折损许多士兵。To make the eighth route army again wreck a many soldiers.

只的所有幸存者已被及时救起。All the survivors of the ship wreck were picked up in time.

那一天我失魂落魄,不知道她会如何反映。That day I was a wreck wondering how she would react to it.