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操他妈清教徒的父权制!Screw you, puritanical patriarchy!

该小说是对美国古板的清教价值观的辛辣控诉。The book is a biting indictment of the US' puritanical values.

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那么,对古板拘谨的盎格鲁-撒克逊人,他的概括又如何呢?And how about his generalisations about stuffy, puritanical Anglo-Saxons?

在记忆中,开水房好像是一个朝圣地,而我们是清教徒。In memory, Hot room appears to be a pilgrimage site, and we are puritanical.

当然,我恨国内那伙拘谨的家伙,我打心里恨他们。Sure, I hate those puritanical buggers back Home –I hate 'em with all my guts.

伊斯兰教被现代世界所接受,因为它是一神的,并严守教规拒绝魔法巫术。It is acceptable to the modern world because of its unitarian, puritanical denial of magic.

此外,对于自律的嘉许也不会指摘为教会的禁欲,或被划定是清教后嗣。Moreover, praise for self-control wasn't confined to the sex-negative Church and its puritanical progeny.

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或许基督教性产业最显著的特征在于,它是原教主义的,而非清教徒式的。Perhaps the most notable quality of the Christian sex business is that it is evangelical, not puritanical.

如果我们处理不当,一种禁欲的风气将会蔓延整个经济领域,抑制消费并打击人们的希望。If we are not careful, a puritanical pall of disapproval will spread over the economy, vetoing consumption, nixing hope.

许多其它网页,包括谷歌,也相应地删除了那些有可能触及卫道士敏感神经的网页。Numerous other sites, including Google, have responded by removing any pages that might offend puritanical sensibilities.

帕里爵士,前英国驻北约大使和联合国,驳回了俄罗斯提出的“清教徒”的关注。Sir Emyr Jones Parry, a former British ambassador to Nato and the UN, dismissed concerns voiced by Russia as "puritanical".

身为外科医生的扎瓦赫里像本·拉登一样,放弃了养尊处优的生活,而投身于暴力推行一个极端的伊斯兰理想。A surgeon by profession, al-Zawahri, like bin Laden, gave up a life of privilege to violently promote a puritanical Islamic ideal.

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尽管耶鲁现在更富有知识界精华和知识分子,但是仍然笼罩在淡淡的老清教主义的服务精神的气氛中。Yale is more of a meritocracy and more intellectual now, but a faint penumbra of the old " puritanical imperatives of service" remains.

依循少吃多运动的养生之道,看来比较像是最简单的对策,然而即使是过著清教徒般的生活,也充满了争议。Following a regimen of eating less and exercising more seems like the simplest bet. Yet even a puritanical way of life comes loaded with controversy.

与此相反,约翰-D-洛克菲勒和亨利-福特等人处处显示清教徒的特点,仍然保持着小城市居民的价值观念和生活方式。In contrast, such men as John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford demonstrated puritanical qualities. They retained their small-town values and lifestyles.

这个组织模仿着塔利班一些更加严格的特征,如留大胡子,受鞭刑,向通奸者扔石头以及禁止音乐。The grouphascopied some oftheTaliban'smore puritanical features, such asinsisting onbeards, meting outfloggings, stoning adulterers and banning music.

正统现代主义清教徒般的理性主义清规戒律束缚了建筑的形体自由,现代建筑只能是规则古板的标准几何体,枯燥无味。However, the freedom of architectural form was fettered by the puritanical rationalism of orthodox Modernism. Modernist buildings can often be dull standard boxes.

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他们向好斗的、无神论朋友那里坦白自己给对上帝的服务,或告诉他们悲观、严格的母亲自己希望跳舞,跳舞,跳舞!They confide in their militantly atheistic friends about their call to the ministry, or tell their pessimistic, puritanical mother that they want to dance, dance, dance!

因此在性上有个有趣的逆转,新教对于性一直都是严格禁欲的,反对的,直到最近人,都对性没有什么不爽。So they get this interesting reversal that Protestantism was often a puritanical reaction against that until recently, when many believe sex, are quite happy with the idea.

至此打破了原本因循守旧的罕百里学派和瓦哈比教派联合在一起形成的垄断,这种垄断只是发生在沙特。For Saudi Arabia is a country in which both rulers and ruled are equally arch- conservative, adhering, for the last two centuries, to the puritanical Wahhabi doctrine of Islam.