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番茄酱。Tomato Sauce.

这是一只英鲥粘鱼。It's a tomato blenny.

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别吃番茄汤!Don't have tomato soup!

番茄酱是天然的吗?Is tomato sauce natural?

这调味酱有番茄“味”。This sauce tastes of tomato.

红色的西红柿进入锅中。Red tomato goes into the pot.

西红柿汤是我喜欢的东西。Tomato soup is my cup of tea.

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哪儿有蕃茄汁呢?。Where can I get tomato juice?

可以给我一杯蕃茄汁吗?I'd like a cup of tomato juice.

牛肉沫,猪肉,番茄酱。Minced beef, pork, tomato sauce.

来碗番茄汤吗?Would you like some tomato soup?

除了你没人喜爱番茄汤。Nobody but you likes tomato soup.

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酸汤用番茄酱制成。Suan Tang made with tomato sauce.

番茄和奶油奶酪三明治。Tomato and Cream Cheese Sandwich.

西红柿”借自墨西哥语。"tomato" was borrowed from Mexico.

可以给我一杯蕃茄汁吗?Can I have a glass of tomato juice?

你找不到蕃茄酱吗,巴托?Could you find tomato sauce, Barto?

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我要两罐番茄汤。May I have two cans of tomato soup?

蕃茄汤,先生,面包碎片,请。Tomato soup, sir. Croutons, please.

对了,就炒西红柿炒蛋吧!Rightness, fry tomato scrambled egg!