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他紧紧握着他的大刀。He keeps his machete gripped tightly.

他有枪,还有大砍刀。And he had the gun, and he had the machete.

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我需要开山刀,以减少通过杂波只是为了寻找孩子。I needed a machete to cut through the clutter just to find the kids.

他找到他的砍刀,并查看他周围阴暗的森林。He finds his machete and stands surveying the gloomy forest around him.

“我们是埃及人,我们是真正的男人”,一个店挥舞着砍刀说。“We’re Egyptians. We’re real men,” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete.

而且,在最近的战争中传统的大砍刀要比枪要更受青睐。Besides, in many recent wars the old-fashioned machete was preferred to the gun.

他身着长袍,披戴金色盔甲,武器是一把巨大的砍刀。He wore long robes, and golden armor. Terak armed himself with a massive machete.

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其他的斑溪猛咬向他,嘴巴离他的腿就几英寸,他慌忙用刀抵挡。The jaws of another snap inches from his leg, and he chops into it with the machete.

“我们是埃及人,我们是真男人,”一个守护店铺的人,挥舞着大刀说到“我们能保护自己。”We’re real men, ” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”

“我们是埃及人,我们是真男人,”一个守护店铺的人,挥舞着大刀说到“我们能保护自己。”“We're Egyptians. We're real men,” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”

上个月,重庆市法院判处六名歹徒死刑,罪名包括谋杀、械斗和操纵价格。Last month the Chongqing courts sentenced six gangsters to death for murder, machete attacks and price fixing.

顾一男拿出一把弯刀架到店掌柜的脖子上,威言恐吓,店掌柜依然没有招认。Gu Yinan took a machete to store the shopkeeper's neck, Wei Yan intimidation, shopkeeper still did not confess.

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接下来发生的是裁减,——给人的感觉是整个国家由一个审计公司经营,他们手握一柄钝刀,一番乱砍乱削。Then came the cuts. It feels like the country is being run by a firm of auditors hacking away with a blunt machete.

说话的人自称查尔斯,24岁,坐在森林里一颗新伐倒的原木上,手上握着一把砍刀。The speaker gives his name as Charles, a 24-year-old sitting on a freshly cut log in a forest, a machete in his hand.

当启示周末是发表当做那数据片为邮政的2,它附加的那新回飞棒弯刀,大槌,和长柄的大镰刀。When apocalypse weekend was released as the add-on for postal2 it added the new boomerang machete sledgehammer and scythe.

他爬上最近的一棵树,扔下几个椰子,用小刀切掉顶部,递了一个给我。He shinned up the nearest tree, threw down a couple of coconuts, then chopped the tops off with a machete and handed one to me.

也许,他们期望着真的有朝一日会变为一把锋利的弯刀为它的公司建功立业。Perhaps, they are expecting true some day can turn into be sharp machete its company is built result establish line of business.

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两个月前,一名挥舞砍刀的男子在中国西南部一个民办托儿所杀死3名孩子,砍伤13人。Two months ago, a man with a machete killed three children and injured 13 others in a private day-care centre in southwest China.

当他看到走在他身前的一个反叛组织的士兵用弯刀在一片原始丛林中开拓一条道路时,里兹卡诺意识到所有的事情都将发生变化了。As he watched a soldier in front of him hack a path with a machete through the virgin forest, Lizcano realized that everything had changed.

我那唯一的邻居好多天都不肯出门,夜晚也没有灯,她丈夫带着把弯刀在附近走动。My only neighbor would not come out of her house for days, and there were no lights at night, and her husband roamed the place with a machete.