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最好再重学历史吧。Best go relearn your history.

每一代人都需要去学习如何再学习。Every generation needs to learn how to relearn.

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那狗都不合时宜谁是老板。Then the dog will have to relearn who the boss is.

于是希西家便帮助人民,重新学习应怎样做。So Hezekiah had to help the people relearn what to do.

我们如若真的学会一样真知得经历四五十变的打磨。We often have to relearn a lesson forty or fifty times to really get it.

从这样的手术中完全康复需要一到半年的时间,还容易出现记忆损伤,一些病人甚至需要重新学习上楼梯这样基本的技能。Some patients have to relearn basic motor skills, like walking up stairs.

利用时间学习或是重新学习怎么样独立的,带有批判性的思考。Use the time to learn or relearn how to think critically and independently.

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确实如此,通过情绪的内化,品牌将重新学会如何说话。Indeed. Through the internalization of sentiment, brands will relearn how to speak.

具有较强的再学习能力,能够迅速掌握新兴课程或学科。Having the better ability of relearn and being able to master the jumped-up course or subjects.

我们应该重新学习1930年代大萧条的教训,努力使经济体系正常地运转。It’s time to relearn the lessons of the 1930s, and get the financial system back under control.

另外还有一些顾客告诉我们,他们不想为了用车而再去学一些新技术,我们在这些顾客身上也花了很多时间。We've spent time with customers who tell us they don't want to relearn technology for use in the car.

没有人希望学习一种查询语言的六种不同方言,然后每六个月重新学习一次。No one wants to learn six different dialects of a query language and then relearn it every six months.

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在学校,最浪费时间的就是不断重新学习你在第一次没有完全掌握的东西。One of the biggest time waste in school is having to relearn something you didn't learn properly the first time.

学校里最大的一个时间浪费就是不断重新学习你在第一次没有完全掌握的东西。One of the biggest time wasters in school ishaving to relearn something you didn't learn properly the firsttime.

也许在你需要像岩石般坚强的生命阶段,有些能让你重新领悟什么才是要紧的。Maybe a few of them will help you relearn what matters during those moments in life when you have to be the rock.

新学期又开学了,这个时候你一定下定决心要好好学习,不让自己后悔吧。One of the biggest time wasters in school is having to relearn something you didn't learn properly the first time.

德鲁伊天赋点全部重置。玩家需要重新从职业训练师处学习法术能力。Druid talents points have been refunded. Players will need to visit a class trainer to relearn spells and abilities.

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在慧俪轻体减肥中心,你将会彻底理解到所有与饮食和生活方式选择的知识。With Weight Watchers, you will completely relearn everything you know about eating and about your lifestyle choices.

不论我们处于人生的哪个阶段,我们都有权利选择在当下重新开始,重新习得我们的行为、举止和态度。Wherever we are in life, we have the choice to start again, and to relearn some of our behaviors, actions and attitudes.

人物现在可以保留通过先天学到的法术等级,从头配备布置先天时再也不需要从训练师处从头学习法术。Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when theyretalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.