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特征能追溯到最初的用户需要吗?Is the feature traceable to an original customer need?

可追踪到业务需求的技术需求Technical requirements traceable to business requirements

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整个构建流程应该是可重复的和可跟踪的。The entire build process should be repeatable and traceable.

每个单位都随溯源校准证书。Each unit is shipped with traceable calibration certificates.

纪录应保持清楚易读、可鑑别及追溯。Records shall be and remain legible , identifiable and traceable.

在贵司的整个生产体系中原材料都有可追溯性吗?A. Are raw materials traceable throughout your production systems?

他的死亡很可能是由1724年的一起事件造成的。The probable cause of his death is traceable to an incident in 1724.

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历史上不少异端,起源都是因为某种护教的动机。It is remarkable how many heresies are traceable to apologetic motives.

够了,别怀疑自己人品不行了,所有这些问题都归咎于互联网没有一个广泛适用的标准。All of these problems are traceable to a lack of widely supported standards.

人们很少能追踪到中国黑客的身份、动机和手法。The identity, motivation and methods of Chinese hackers are rarely traceable.

数字营销主要是由数据驱动的,而且其大部分活动都有很强的可追踪性。Digital marketing is very data-driven and most of the activity is highly traceable.

近看,耐人寻味,在粗犷的斧凿中行走着蜿蜒的线。Traceable among the rough marks of hatchet and chisel were delicate lines zigzagging.

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茶文化是在我国新石器时代中期或晚期起源于巴蜀。Tea culture was inferentially traceable to Sichuan at the middle or late Neolithic Age.

都市传奇是民间自发形成的,而且很难找到一个故事的特定起点。Legends tend to arise spontaneously and arerarely traceable to a single point of origin.

我用RMC构建的交付流程将会基于可追踪的需求分析。Traceability. The delivery process I construct with RMC will be based on traceable requirements

译者的特定的社会历史背景和其主观性在译本中是有迹可循的。Translators' historical backgrounds and subjectivities will become traceable in the target text.

可以考证很多习俗直接来自古代某些欧洲人的偶像崇拜。Many of its customs are directly traceable to the ancient idolatries of various European peoples.

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服务必须能追溯到一个或多个业务目标,以证明其存在的必要性。Services must be traceable to one or more business goals to prove the reason for their existence.

我们的基本教程不可能涵盖可追溯到不同原因的所有的中间性。The present basic course cannot cover all intersexual conditions traceable to the different sources.

在添加了堆栈状态跟踪之后,字节码问题的跟踪可以精确到代码的具体行。After I added the stack state tracking, bytecode problems became traceable to a particular line of code.