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你肯定会想要习惯性的望餐盘里加餐。You’ll probably habitually want to fill the plate.

巴西的现金账户仍然经常为负。Brazil still habitually runs a current-account deficit.

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他们每到星期天总要大吃大喝,直到快把肚子胀破。They habitually gorged to the bursting point on Sunday.

在一些情况下,我们总是习惯性地言不由衷。Under some circumstances, we always habitually talk insincerely.

我不知道是怎样一种黯淡的光经常照着他的心。I know not what vent-hole daylight habitually illumined his soul.

科学家们习惯性地抱怨公众不理解他们。Scientists habitually moan that the public doesn't understand them.

德雷普将会携带一支棕黄色拉链包,他习惯走路走得相当快。He will be carrying a tan zipper bag and habitually walks real fast.

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那些总爱抢道的司机总有一天会闯祸。The drivers who habitually cut in will cause an accident sooner or later.

习惯性地打开窗,本意是想引进凉风的。Habitually open the windows, the intention is to cool the introduction of the.

在轨道上,兔子风俗性地承继了居平易近们的长处。On the orbit, the rabbits habitually inherited the merits of the inhabitants. ?

即使你习惯于迟到,我敢打赌,在需要的时候,你也会准时准点。Even if you're habitually late, I'll bet that you can be prompt when you need to.

最后,许多人习惯性地用发薪日贷款来付款。Finally, many people end up habitually using payday loans much to their detriment.

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打扫了房间。——通常我们都会借看电视逃避打扫。Cleaned the house. – Something Angel and I habitually evade by watching TV instead.

他经常生活在暗无天日的环境中,如同一个盲人或梦游者一样瞎摸瞎撞。He dwelt habitually in this shadow, feeling his way like a blind man and a dreamer.

长期以来,雌性激素一直被当作镇静剂来治疗那些有习惯性暴力的人。Female hormones have long been used as a way of pacifying habitually aggressive people.

失眠症患者,这种病人在他想睡觉时经常特别清醒。The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep.

他的脸上经常带着温和的、宽厚的、类乎歉意的表情。His face habitually held an expression which was mild and inoffensive , almost apologetic.

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俗称“游记”的纪游散文作品,是当代文学创作中的一个重要组成部分。The "Travel Essay" we called habitually is a significant apartment in modern Chinese literature.

长期以来,雌性激素一直被当作镇静剂来治疗那些有习惯性暴力的人。Female hormones have long been used as a way of pacifying habitually aggressive people.

比如,将邮件转发给你的团队成员时,可以考虑不用加上你的意见。If you're habitually copied one-mails to members of your team, consider putting off your replies.