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我是本科生。I am an undergrad.

我的本科专业是历史。My undergrad is history.

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我念本科时已开始接触它。I've used it as an undergrad.

他还没有本科毕业。He hadn't gotten his undergrad yet.

那你能不能跟我们讲讲你的本科生活呢?Then can you tell us about your undergrad life?

这是我在本科生阶段所认识到的。This is what I realized when I was an undergrad here.

知道大学毕业,我从未参加过一门心理学方面的课程。I never took a single psychology course as an undergrad.

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一个小有才华的人发表了点东西就感觉自己像明星。An undergrad who gets something published feels like a star.

他父亲是科学家,母亲大学学社会学。His dad is a scientist and his mom was a sociology undergrad.

然后我便开始多上本科的教育方面的课程。And then I started taking more classes in undergrad Education classes.

我在大学的时候学过营销和广告,本科的时候。Yeah, I studied marketing and advertising in college, in my undergrad.

而且我喜欢会计学。本科的时候我上了一门入门会计课程,And I like it. I took an introductory Accounting course in the undergrad

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我本不想让自己听起来像一个哲学系的本科生,可在迪拜,我实在无法控制自己的思想。I don't mean to sound like an undergrad philosophy major, but in Dubai I have no choice.

当时,我是美国乔治城大学的学生,主修国际关系。At the time I was an undergrad at Georgetown University studying international relations.

我不在什么法学院,但是我拿到了所有的学校衫——本科生的也有。I'm not in law school or anything, but I've got all the sweatshirts—the undergrad ones, too.

可以,我本科生活是在印度的孟买度过的,我读的是孟买大学。Sure, my undergrad life was back in Bombay in India where I studied for the University of Mumbai.

我后来攻读的专业也和本科学的电气工程息息相关,so it was closely related where I built my Electrical Engineering as an undergrad and then went forward

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我在伦敦长大,在美国上大学,后来去巴黎攻读硕士学位。I grew up in London, and studied as an undergrad in the U.S. before going to Paris for a master's degree.

但是,许多同学依然能在这段时间里发现自己的兴趣所在。But a lot of people find different things that they're really passionate about while they're in undergrad.

去打下午场大多都是爱运动的本科生和一些来自专业学院的好斗的家伙们。This game was particularly popular with undergrad jocks and competitive guys from the professional schools.