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在他们的帮助下,彼德成为了一个阿尼马格斯。It was under their tutelage that he learned to become an Animagus.

该表的简易性旨在便于监护。The simplicity of the table is intentional for purposes of tutelage.

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但有些民族无法忍受在其他民族的监护下生活。But some nations find it impossible to live underthe tutelage of another.

此外,修养还要坚持表里如一的标准。In addition, the tutelage also must persist the same standard all the time.

亚历山大·托马斯·奈文是其创立者之一。Among its founders was Alexander Thomas Niven, under whose tutelage George A.

观察安顿-费迪南德在布鲁斯的教导下如何成长,将是一件迷人的事情。It will be intriguing to see how Anton Ferdinand shapes up under his tutelage.

中国方面的负责人则认为,华尔街的专业指导可以带给他们巨额财富。Chinese leaders spoke of their great fortune in gaining Wall Street’s tutelage.

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在她高中游泳教练的指导下,林恩已经大大提高了她游泳的次数。Under the tutelage of her high school swim coach, Lynn has greatly improved her times.

迪奥普说,有时他很想知道,如果在年轻时得到更好的指导,他会不会就成为明星了。Diop says he sometimes wonders if he would have become a star with better tutelage as a youth.

主厨聘于阿根廷,初,师从当地三星级大厨师,为厨经久有年。The Chef is from Argentina, where he began his career under the tutelage of a three-star Chef.

但是帕洛尔远远不止是一个干粗活的,在温格的监护下他步入巅峰。But Parlour was so much more than a workhorse and would blossom under the tutelage of Arsène Wenger.

而在温格的指导和帮助下,博格坎普彻底改变了英格兰顶级联赛。And so it was that under the tutelage of Wenger, Bergkamp redefined football in England's top division.

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陈文通,男,1963年11月出生于内江,八十年代初师从著名画家邱笑秋先生学习中国画。Chen Tong, male, born in 1963, 11, Neijiang, the early eighties under the tutelage of renowned artist Mr.

孙中山主张在训政时期实行“以党治国”。Sun Yat-sen advocated governing the country by political parties' during the period of political tutelage.

在他的首个泰恩-威尔德比中5-1痛击了桑得兰。在他的守护下,卡罗尔得到了第一个英格兰的召唤。Beat Sunderland 5-1 in his first Tyne-Wear derby and Andy Carroll earned an England call-up under his tutelage.

加拿大的一个步兵师从一九四三年十二月二十日开始攻占阿托那的战斗,历时七天。Canada, December 20, 1943 under the tutelage of an infantry started to attack Atto that the battle lasted seven days.

我发现了真相,我突然意识到,我的儿子们,他们已经离开了家的堡垒,离开了我二十年的监护。It occurred to me that my grown sons, whom I obsess over, have been out of the house and therefore my tutelage for 20 years.

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那么多的心理变态杀人狂们---有幸在巴克另类指导下---已被宣告治愈并被释放了。So many psychopathic murderers – fortunate to have been under Barker's radical tutelage – had been declared cured and freed.

与国王在训练场上的亲密合作神马的,他对于苏格兰老人的钦佩之情与日俱增。Having now worked closely under his tutelage on the training pitch, his admiration for the iconic Scot is continuing to rise.

结论通过临产后胎心率监护预测产时胎儿缺氧,能改善围产儿的预后。Conclusion The future prospect is improved by predicting whether the fetus is lack of oxygen with the fetal heart rate tutelage.