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涉及金额对财大气粗的通用来说不过是九牛一毛。The sums involved were small beer for a behemoth like GE.

这辆四座轿车的发动机是恐怖的6升V字型12缸。This 4-seat sedan is powered by a 6.0-litre V12 behemoth.

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现在中国已是庞然大物,如果中国遇到麻烦,所有人都会跟着倒霉。China is a behemoth now. If it gets in trouble, everyone gets in trouble.

曾经是企业之友的黑莓现在看上去更像是挣扎的巨兽。Once the enterprise stalwart, it is now looking like a struggling behemoth.

就算劳合社处理掉一些业务之后,公司仍将是零售市场的庞然大物。Even after Lloyds’ disposals it will remain a behemoth in the retail market.

美联社的奎斯蒂·莱米尔称这部电影是“一头浮肿不堪疙、疙瘩瘩的巨兽”。Christy Lemire of the Associated Press calls it "a bloated, uneven behemoth."

这是风靡的角色扮演网游魔兽世界中一个男兽人发出的声音。That's the sound of a male orcin online roleplaying behemoth World of Warcraft.

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如何你掌握足够的后缀和前缀,你可以创造出你自己庞大的单词库。If you know enough suffixes and prefixes, you can make up your own behemoth words.

起初,这个软饮料巨兽相信这一收购不会有什么大问题。Initially, the soft drinks behemoth was confident there would be no major problems.

据称,潮湿的夏季气候是这种性喜沼泽的巨型植物生长茂盛的原因。It is believed the wet summer is responsible for the booming of the bog-loving behemoth.

在这些吝啬的雨水替代物的滋养下,万物茁壮生长。On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood, thrives.

冗长的方法是缺陷的避风港,因为很少有人可以有效地分析它们。Behemoth methods are havens for defects because very few people can effectively parse them.

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自从美国这个巨兽从当地的合作者处了解并掌握了如何获利后,它就运作的很好了。It worked very well, since the American behemoth benefited from its partners' local know-how.

有一件好事,就是它可以转向一个友好又强有力的国有巨兽去给它集资。A good thing, then, that it has a friendly state-owned behemoth to turn to for a cash injection.

一旦灾难降临,这尊漂浮的庞然大物将变成一个安全独立的生物圈,堪称是完美的避难所。The floating behemoth is a 'biosphere' conceived as a safe, self-contained haven in case of disaster.

去年,这家互联网巨头向其企业级服务的客户免费提供这种额外的安全保障。The Internet behemoth offered the additional security free to its business-services customers last year.

仅仅在不到10年前,德国还是一个为失业和滞涨所困扰的经济巨兽,步履蹒跚。Less than a decade ago, Germany was a bumbling behemoth beset by chronic unemployment and pathetic growth.

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当它撞进一个仓库的时候佛瑞德看到了这个笨拙的庞然大物,撕开金属墙就像是撕纸。He spotted the lumbering behemoth as it crashed through a warehouse, tearing steel walls like tissue paper.

依我之见,这个大型的育儿网站绝对是获取旅行建议的最佳网站之一。To my mind, the Internet parenting behemoth is still absolutely one of the best websites for travel advice.

无论它的目标是什么,盖茨的新机构看起来并没有成为另一个商业巨兽的野心。Whatever its aims, the new Gates organization doesn't appear to have ambitions of becoming another behemoth.