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你吓死我了。You surprised me!

我现出惊讶的神色。I looked surprised.

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可是他让我吃惊。But he surprised me.

他并不感到惊奇。He is not surprised.

看到我吓一跳?Surprised to see me?

婴儿感到很惊奇Babies are surprised.

你会有惊喜发现。You will be surprised.

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您可能会感到惊讶。You might be surprised.

“哦”我惊讶的说道。"Ow, " I said, surprised.

“哦。”我惊讶地说。"Ow, " I said, surprised.

“不,没有,”她惊讶的说。“No,” she says, surprised.

伊丽莎白有些神色诧异。Elizabeth looked surprised.

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图特王,您的来访让我很惊讶。King Tut, you surprised me.

听了这个我们感到吃惊。We were surprised to hear it.

我惊异于他的坦率。I was surprised at his candor.

因此我很惊奇地见到他。So I was surprised to see him.

我很惊讶她竟然让你搬进去。Surprised she let you move in.

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这消息使我们非常惊异。The news greatly surprised us.

但是很少有人对此感到惊奇。But some of them surprised her.

她的温顺让他吃惊。Her docility had surprised him.