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舌头是一个发音器官。Thetongue is a vocal organ.

终于舆论哗然。Public opinion at last became vocal.

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民谣只说诵不歌唱。Balladry says Song is not vocal only.

流行乐一般有声乐部分?Pop music tends to have a vocal part?

声带,颈部腺体,咽喉。C5- Vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx.

舌是发音器官之一。The tongue is one of the vocal organs.

你成为了某一目标的口头拥护者。You are a vocal proponent for a cause.

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但另一个声讨将会安静下来。But another vocal critic will be silent.

这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。The cantata has a difficult vocal score.

大多数动物是三角形声带。Most animals have triangular vocal cords.

流行乐通常有声乐部分,为什么?Pop music tends to have a vocal part.Why?

这只鸟有特殊的发音器官。The bird has specialized vocal apparatus.

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同样的原则也适用于我们的声带。The same principle applies to our vocal chords.

这种声音的生动性是与精力充沛程度相关的。This vocal vitality is related to energy level.

芭蕾舞蹈是一种我永远做不到的舞风。I was really busy with my dance, vocal training.

声带开始愈合,我也能够再次唱出来了。my vocal cords healed and I learned to sing again.

每一声叫唤都带有一个动物独特的声音印章。Each call has an animal's unique vocal stamp on it.

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分属于不同的声腔体系。These two operas belong to different vocal systems.

中国球迷表达了对姚明退役的惋惜。Chinese fans were vocal in lamenting Yao's departure.

马能比预期更好的理解声音指令。Horses understand vocal commands better than expected.