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谢谢你们对以色列坚定的支持。Thank you for your unwavering support for Israel.

所以精进是一个力量,信念坚定是一个力量。Diligence is strength. An unwavering will is power.

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不过,她带来了尊重和坚定的批判。Still, she brought a respectful and unwavering critique.

确保客户的成功是我们矢志不渝的目标。Ensure that our customers success is our unwavering goal.

能够与雷达建立如此稳固的合作关系,我感到非常自豪。I am proud of the solid, unwavering relationship I have with Rado.

她嘲讽一笑,毫不停留的继续努力装包。She spits out a cynical laugh unwavering from her endeavor to pack.

她知道田一邦重情重义,设法拉拢他。Aware of Tian Yi Bang's unwavering loyalty, she tries to win him over.

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在一个分合变幻的地区,以色列是美国的坚定盟友。In a region of shifting alliances, Israel is America's unwavering ally.

修习者需导引内力,亦即对决心毫不动摇的承诺。The aspirant must channel the fire, an unwavering commitment of intent.

物质利益继续保持沉默,眼睛依旧直直地盯着对方。The Material Interest maintained an unbroken silence and an unwavering stare.

然后我就能够看到你们是七千万奴隶还是七千万坚贞不屈的日耳曼人!Then I can see you are seventy million or seventy million slaves unwavering in German!

总统对此已有明确表述,我们政府的承诺亦坚定不移。The President had made this clear and our Administration’s commitment has been unwavering.

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我要感谢律师德力费南德斯的法律意见,以及坚定的信任。I wish to thank my lawyer Derek Fernandez for his legal counsel and unwavering belief in me.

现代我国经济实力的关键来自于其不动摇地坚持增长。The essence of modern China's economic strength comes from its unwavering commitment to growth.

理智的磁针将永远指向远处真理的磁极。The needle of understanding will yet point steadfast and unwavering to the distinct pole of truth.

如果我们能发现真相,紧紧拥抱,毫不动摇,我相信我们将获得自由。If we can find that truth and hold it tightly with unwavering palms, I believe we will find freedom.

拥有共同的信念以及对优质服务坚定不移的承诺把我们全球各地135,000名员工联系在一起。Worldwide, our 135,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality.

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但由于他坚定不移的忠心,教会终于获得了释放,一个新的,更美好的时代已经开始了。But his unwavering firmness was the means of emancipating the church, and beginning a new and better era.

2010年10月,中国国务院总理温家宝高调访问希腊,期间他承诺坚决提供支持。In October 2010, Premier Wen Jiabao made a much-publicized visit in which he promised unwavering support.

我能设想你所阅历的所有,而且,我想告诉你,我会永遥支撑你。I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my unwavering support.