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过分任性会引发冲突。Overindulgence may cause conflicts.

使疲惫使疲惫不堪,如因工作过度或放纵欲望。To wear out, as by overuse or overindulgence.

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逃避现实的倾向会导致过分放纵。Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence.

沉溺于食物甚至会影响大脑的运作。Our overindulgence is even altering our brains.

过度放纵会引起肠胃问题。Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.

控制食欲。暴饮暴食堵塞身心。Control appetite . Overindulgence clogs boby and mind.

我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.

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过分沉溺于电脑游戏导致近视和肥胖。Overindulgence in computer games contributes to myopia and obesity.

夸大或是欺骗,加上过度放纵,这可能会带来问题。Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem.

过度放纵和疲劳会带来身体微恙。Exhaustion combined with overindulgence could result in minor health problems.

我们已被我们所选出来的领导,我们自己的疏忽和放纵所出卖。We have been sold out by our elected leaders and our own carelessness and overindulgence.

这种高效的混合物富含丰富的维生素B,刚好是我们一晚上的放纵消耗最多的东西。The potent combination is high in Vitamin B, which is severely depleted from overindulgence.

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也许是因为当我们站着的时候,潜意识中会觉得可以吃得放纵一点。Perhaps it's the subconscious eating we do while standing that contributes to overindulgence.

你要学习如何适度地避免肝净的问题,或其他由于过度放擒制成的问题。You must learn moderation to avoid liver problems or other problems related to overindulgence.

放纵酒精或食物可以迅速摧毁你的生活,因此是保持健康是合理的建议。Overindulgence of food and or alcohol can quickly destroy the quality of your life, so be reasonable.

颇似中国跟日本,勤俭的德国是靠他人的放纵来维持生计的。Rather like China and Japan, virtuous Germany has made its living out of the overindulgence of others.

结肠水疗法在治疗过量酗酒和吸毒上瘾方面是一个极其好的解毒方法。Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence of alcohol and drug addictions of all kinds.

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同时也意味着你会花更多的时间中餐馆里面,坐的时间越长,过分纵欲后的恢复时间就越长。And you'll spend too much time sitting in restaurants -- and then sitting some more, recuperating from the overindulgence.

但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕糊口、又要适应捉襟见肘的糊口,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的糊口更有益成长。But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence.

溺爱孩子实际上恰恰是忽视了他们—忽视了对孩子的价值观教育,忽视了教导孩子的机会,忽视了与孩子的关系。Overindulgence of the children can actually be a sign of neglect—neglecting values, neglecting teaching opportunities, neglecting the relationship.