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流沙磨损岩石。Drifting sand abrades rocks.

我为了似水流年而流泪。I weep for the drifting years.

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一朵白云正在飘然而过。A fleecy cloud was drifting past.

他在课堂上总是神不守舍。He's always drifting off in class.

柔软的柳丝,飘过梦境。Soft willows, drifting away dream.

水流将我们漂走。The current was drifting us along.

那条船正在海洋上漂流。The ship was drifting on the ocean.

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水母利用漂流觅食。Jellyfishes rely on drifting to eat.

马车夫那种流浪生活真妙。Curious the life of drifting cabbies.

在冷泉汇成的水面上漂流着。Drifting over water fed by cool springs.

干活也轮不到我,自有那沙僧。I also fail to get work, own it Drifting.

这家商行正逐渐走向破产吗?Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy?

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这个清晨也是一样,我在黎明的风中漂流着This morning also, drifting in the dawn wind

风悠悠,云悠悠。Wind blowing softly, clouds drifting slowly.

但看来他没能离开约翰松为他指定的道路。But he seemed to be drifting Johansson's way.

一条小渔船正慢慢向前漂荡。A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.

在国家党治下,我们正茫无头绪地漂流。Under National we are drifting without a plan.

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通常,当漂流的钢筋混凝土,全时四轮驱动系统的使用。Usually when drifting with an RC, AWD is used.

寒冷的、雾濛濛的、带着血腥味的空气飘进来。Cold foggy fishy-smelling air came drifting in.

欢乐的浪花,都从我开放的头脑中流过。Waves of joy are drifting through my open mind.