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我喜欢在田野中策马飞奔。I enjoy galloping over the fields.

就像马儿在荒僻的路上奔跑。Like a horse galloping on a lonely road.

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有几个骑者向他奔驰而来。A body of horsemen came galloping towards him.

他画的奔马,栩栩如生,极其神似。The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike.

他画的奔马栩栩如生。The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike.

这张“奔马图”也是展子虔画的吗?This "Galloping Horse" was also painted by him. Wasn't it?

设想在这空旷的田野上,有一匹马正在向我飞奔而来?Suppose a horse were galloping toward me in this open field?

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我匍匐在冰雪中聆听你驰骋的马蹄声渐近…I hear you crawl in the snow and ice galloping hoofs asymptotic.

背面瓷板为八匹骏马奔驰,画面用油彩绘成,显得十分壮观。The back side is a greasepaint picture of eight horses galloping.

黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.

近卫重骑兵一面驰骋,一面微微地勒住战马。The cavalry guards were galloping , though still holding in their horses.

举着鞭子就能够表示演员在骑马飞奔。Holding a whip is enough to indicate that an actor is galloping on a horse.

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咚咚声打鼓,马蹄,或机枪连射等发出的连续不断的声音。A tattoo, as of a drum, the hoofs of a galloping horse, or machine-gun fire.

那万马奔腾的场面我这一辈子也忘不了。The scene of thousands of steeds galloping I would never forget all my life.

提起贾作光的舞蹈,人们很自然地会想起那奔腾的骏马和凌空的鸿雁。Dance works of Jia Zuoguang remind people of galloping horses and soaring swans.

我们经过了另一个小城市,我又一次被那匹奔驰的骏马的雕塑吸引了。We pass another small city. I am struck again by the image of the Galloping Horse.

小熊哥哥和妹妹是我见过的最急功近利、最贪得无厌、最得寸进尺的人!Brother and Sister have the worst case of the galloping greedy gimmes I've ever seen!

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每当我听到她的心跳如一群飞驰的骏马,它就显得更加真实。Every time I heard her heart go galloping like a herd of horses it made her more real.

一个夏天的傍晚,侯波起着马从大道上疾驰而过,向着费瑞厄家门口跑来。It was a summer evening when he came galloping down the road and pulled up at the gate.

他听到冰冻的路面上传来渐渐接近的马蹄声,遥远而又平稳。He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path.